Beginner to Advanced Unity and Unreal Masterclass - Crack the Game Developer Interview
Do you want to build advanced projects and get ready for the game developer job interview? This massive Unity and Unreal bundle is for you.
Solve beginner to advanced Unity interview questions on bitwise operations, lambdas, C#, game size optimization, graphics, shaders and more.
Build PWAs in Unity. Optimize lighting, user interface, 3D models and more. Build a game with Unity’s Entity Component System for game optimization.
Solve beginner to advanced Unreal interview questions on the rendering pipeline, optimization, AI, procedural generation and more. Implement complex features in a large combat game.
Create a fully-fledged multiplayer attack Unreal game with networking and chat. Implement third person, first person, topdown and satellite cameras.
Build all this and much more in this all-in-one bundle!
Solve interview questions
- Solve Unity interview questions on popular test topics like game objects, components, assets, scenes, scripting, input, movement, physics, animation audio, coroutines and user interfaces.
- Solve Unity intermediate questions on topics like scripting, particle systems, user interfaces, scripting optimization, physics, assets, localization, internationalization and more.
- Solve Unity interview questions on topics including bitwise operations, lambdas, C#, search, source control, serialization, game size optimization, graphics, shaders and more.
- Solve Unreal interview questions on popular test topics like game objects, blueprints, materials, shaders and more
- Solve Unreal intermediate questions on topics like scripting, user interfaces, physics, assets, and more
- Solve Unreal interview questions on topics including the rendering pipeline, optimization, artificial intelligence, networking, physics, lighting, procedural generation and more.
- Practice Unity interview questions in 3D games
What You'll Learn
- Work with NavMeshes to move objects in Unity
- Enable jumping with user input in Unity
- Implement first person game controls by looking around with the cursor and moving forward
- Implement camera zoom, mini-map, shake and lerp.
- Implement dragging and snapping objects in mobile games.
- Bounce and rotate objects in 2D games in Unity
- Throw projectiles from player with C# in Unity
- Work with 3D games and spawning game objects.
- Build Unity WebGL templates with HTML.
- Build a new Unity project and customize your web app to host your game.
- Build a progressive web app with another template.
Dive into Unreal
- Implement player experience into a video game to enable the user to advance throughout the game.
- Build game evolution with health, stamina, mana, defense and damage.
- Unlock weapons like swords and axes.
- Implement user interface and game functionality with blueprints.
- implement enemy behavior in an Unreal video game
- Build enemies that chase the player and attack
- Spawn enemies in an Unreal RPG game
- Build an enemy attack sequence in Unreal
- Build sounds for walking, running, swiping a staff, enemy attack, special abilities, yelling, speech, leveling up and more
- Build action sound effects in an Unreal combat game.
Learn ECS
- Work with Unity’s new Entity Component System for game optimization
- Build entities, access entity data, change data, instantiate entities and create entities from scratch
- Build highly efficient movement in Unity
- Perform mathematics, translations, rotations, lerping, pivoting and more.
- Build physics components and character controllers.
- Spawn physics entities and move bullets with Unity DOTS.
- Detect collisions, build triggers and implement raycasts
- Detect collision events, destroy entities and track entities.
- Detect triggers, perform raycast hits, and perform casts.
- Write simple and safe multithreaded code so that your application can use all available CPU cores to execute your code
- Learn Unity’s C# Job System to improve the performance of your application.
- Build jobs, use JobHandle, and use ParallelFor in this hands-on course!
Optimize Unity Games
- Optimize lighting, illumination, graphics settings, real-time light, light mapping and freezing.
- Implement responsivity, anchors, masks, culling and more.
- Build canvas separation, scaling, raycasts and aspect-ratio fitters.
- Build a rendering pipeline and perform 3D model compression.
- Compress textures, sounds, skinned meshes and animations.
- Learn array, list and memory pre-allocation.
- Build dictionaries and find references in your code editor.
- Compare inheritance with component-based design.
- Use interfaces and inheritance in your game design.
- Pool objects, connect scripts, delay code with coroutines and more.
Build Unreal Games
- Build components for a Singleton pattern.
- Learn order of execution and master code optimization.
- Master servers, clients, replication and memory management.
- Set up networking in the EOS developer portal.
- Create and host a game session in Unreal
- Enable players to join and quit in Unreal
- Build clients that can connect to the server.
- Learn to send events and replicate objects between clients and servers.
- Implement attack, death, health, XP, shooting, line tracing, damage, sounds and more.
- Implement networking for multiple players to join the same game.
- Implement collectibles with multiplayer networking.
- Spawn items that the player can pick up.
- Build third person, first person, topdown and satellite cameras.
- Implement chat in a networking game
- Set up a Message structure and chatbox user interface.
- Use Unreal blueprints to implement chat functionality in a multiplayer game.
- And much more
Your Instructor
Igor Aherne is a Senior Game Developer with over 8 years of in-depth experience in Unity3D and 3DS Max.
Igor has also programmed a custom game engine from scratch with C++ and OpenGL.
Delivering high-quality code, modelling optimized assets, textures, level design, lightmaps, objects + character animation (custom rigs or CAT, etc).
2019-2020 Lead Developer and Programmer of online mobile game Spider Planet
(iOS, Android)
2016-2019 Lead Developer and Programmer of mobile game Brave Save
(iOS, Android)
2016 MSc in Computer Games Engineering. Programmed my own game engine from scratch (C++, OpenGL)
2012-2015 BSc in Multimedia Design and Technology.
Mammoth Interactive is a leading online course provider in everything from learning to code to becoming a YouTube star. Mammoth Interactive courses have been featured on Harvard’s edX, Business Insider and more.
Over 11 years, Mammoth Interactive has built a global student community with 3.5 million courses sold. Mammoth Interactive has released over 300 courses and 3,000 hours of video content.
Founder and CEO John Bura has been programming since 1997 and teaching
since 2002. John has created top-selling applications for iOS, Xbox and
more. John also runs SaaS company Devonian Apps, building
efficiency-minded software for technology workers like you.
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