Code a Startup-Worthy App with Google Flutter (30 Hours)
Start an empire with your first advanced app for Android and iOS with Dart and Firebase. Build an app from scratch for your startup!
Enroll / Gift
Are you looking to enhance your career by learning a coding language? Do you want to build an app but don't know where to start? Or you are seeking a side hustle that will finally give you the freedom and flexibility you've been searching for? If so, Code a Fully Functional Startup-Worthy App with Google Flutter is for you!
Learn Flutter from Scratch to a Fully Functional App
Inside this course you will learn how to:
- Build real-world applications cross-platform simultaneously for iOS and Android
- Build wireframes for various pages in a user experience.
- Develop frontend user interfaces.
- Use backend databases with Firebase
- Add user authentication.
- Code in the Dart programming language
- Display profiles, vacations, bookings, and calendars.
- And more topics. Just keep reading.
Are you ready to become an expert in a technology supported by Google? Look no further.
The biggest struggles we hear from people like you who can’t get past the first step:
- You don’t know the best technology to build your app
- You can’t find a complete curriculum to learn in your free time
- You get overwhelmed with the process of building a huge project
The team at Mammoth Interactive is here to take these problems from your hands once and for all.
Your Instructor
Nimish Narang is Mammoth Interactive's lead developer specializing in Python, iOS and Android. Primarily a coder, he also is an avid trader.
Mammoth Interactive is a leading online course provider in everything from learning to code to becoming a YouTube star. Mammoth Interactive courses have been featured on Harvard’s edX, Business Insider and more.
Over 11 years, Mammoth Interactive has built a global student community with 1.1 million courses sold. Mammoth Interactive has released over 250 courses and 2,500 hours of video content.
Founder and CEO John Bura has been programming since 1997 and teaching
since 2002. John has created top-selling applications for iOS, Xbox and
more. John also runs SaaS company Devonian Apps, building
efficiency-minded software for technology workers like you.
Course Curriculum
Preview00. Introduction to Flutter (7:17)
Start01. Installing Android Studio (7:27)
Start02. Installing the Flutter SDK (7:12)
Start03. Exploring Android Studio Flutter (11:27)
Start04. Running Your First Flutter App (10:34)
Start05. Exploring Your First Flutter App (12:09)
StartIntroduction to Flutter (PDF Resource)
StartMammoth Interactive Flutter SDK
Start00. Introduction to the Dart Language (4:52)
Start01A. Variables (9:06)
Start01B. Variables - Demo (9:41)
Start02A. Variable Operators (8:03)
Start02B. Variable Operators - Demo (15:46)
Start03A. Lists (6:55)
Start03B. Lists - Demo (13:05)
Start04A. Maps (5:36)
Start04B. Maps - Demo (6:57)
Start05A. Functions (8:26)
Start05B. Functions - Demo (10:06)
Start06A. Control Flow (8:11)
Start06B. Control Flow - Demo (11:15)
Start07A. Loops (7:50)
Start07B. Loops - Demo (13:01)
Start08A. Classes and Objects (9:55)
Start08B. Classes and Object - Demo (11:45)
Start09A. Inheritance (7:16)
Start09B. Inheritance - Demo (15:38)
Start10. Summary of Dart Language (4:22)
StartDart Language Basics (PDF Resource)