Introduction to Data Analysis: Pandas and Python for Beginners
Analyze data with Python’s must-know pandas library. Manipulate datasets and perform data operations.
The Ultimate Beginner's Data Analysis Course with a Powerful Data Toolkit
No experience necessary! You’ll catch up with everything you need to know about Python from scratch in the first section.
Learn how to install Pandas and get set up with this Python library. If you’ve ever used spreadsheets in Excel or Google Sheets and want to take your data analysis skills to the next level, sign up today.
Create your first pandas series and learn how to work with date ranges.
You’ll learn:
- Getting elements from a series
- Getting properties from a series
- Modifying series
- Operations
- Making data frames
- Working with pandas data frames
- Comparing
- Iterating
- Reading CSVs
- And much more!
You’ll get all the source code included at no extra cost. This course is your ticket to transitioning into data analysis no matter your experience.
Don’t wait. Start now! Limited spots open now.
Your Instructor
Nimish Narang is Mammoth Interactive's lead developer specializing in Python, iOS and Android. Primarily a coder, he also is an avid trader.
Mammoth Interactive is a leading online course provider in everything from learning to code to becoming a YouTube star. Mammoth Interactive courses have been featured on Harvard’s edX, Business Insider and more.
Over 11 years, Mammoth Interactive has built a global student community with 1.1 million courses sold. Mammoth Interactive has released over 250 courses and 2,500 hours of video content.
Founder and CEO John Bura has been programming since 1997 and teaching
since 2002. John has created top-selling applications for iOS, Xbox and
more. John also runs SaaS company Devonian Apps, building
efficiency-minded software for technology workers like you.
Course Curriculum
Start00. Introduction (4:47)
Start01. Intro To Python (5:46)
Start02. Variables (19:34)
Start03. Type Conversion Examples (10:21)
Start04. Operators (7:21)
Start05. Operators Examples (22:09)
Start06. Collections (8:39)
Start07. Lists (11:55)
Start08. Multidimensional List Examples (8:22)
Start09. Tuples Examples (8:51)
Start10. Dictionaries Examples (14:41)
Start11. Ranges Examples (8:46)
Start12. Conditionals (6:58)
Start13. If Statement Examples (10:32)
Start14. If Statement Variants Examples (11:35)
Start15. Loops (7:17)
Start16. While Loops Examples (11:47)
Start17. For Loops Examples (11:35)
Start18. Functions (8:04)
Start19. Functions Examples (9:33)
Start20. Parameters And Return Values Examples (14:08)
Start21. Classes and Objects (11:30)
Start22. Classes Example (13:28)
Start23. Objects Examples (10:10)
Start24. Inheritance Examples (17:43)
Start25. Static Members Example (11:20)
Start26. Summary and Outro (4:23)
Start27. Intro to Python Slides
Start28. Python Language Basics Code
Start00. Panda Course Introduction (5:43)
Start01. Intro to Pandas (7:55)
Start02. Installing Pandas (5:28)
Start03. Creating Pandas Series (20:34)
Start04. Date Ranges (11:29)
Start05. Getting Elements from Series (19:20)
Start06. Getting Properties of Series (13:04)
Start07. Modifying Series (19:01)
Start08. Operations on Series (11:48)
Start09. Creating Pandas DataFrames (22:57)
Start10. Getting Elements from DataFrames (25:12)
Start11. Getting Properties from DataFrames (17:44)
Start12. DataFrame Operations (20:09)
Start13. DataFrame Comparisons and Iteration (15:35)
Start14. Reading CSVs (12:00)
Start15. Summary and Outro (4:14)
Start16. Pandas Slides
Start17. Pandas_Code
Start18. pandasPracticeCSV