Hello Coding 4.0 - The Complete Learn to Code in 99 Days (Levels 1-3)
This is the last coding course you will ever need. Learn everything from beginner to pro. Become a master of Machine Learning.
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Alexandra Kropf is Mammoth Interactive's CLO and a software developer with extensive experience in full-stack web development, app development and game development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive since 2016, including the Coding Interview series in Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python and Swift.
Mammoth Interactive is a leading online course provider in everything from learning to code to becoming a YouTube star. Mammoth Interactive courses have been featured on Harvard’s edX, Business Insider and more.
Over 12 years, Mammoth Interactive has built a global student community with 4 million courses sold. Mammoth Interactive has released over 350 courses and 3,500 hours of video content.
Founder and CEO John Bura has been programming since 1997 and teaching
since 2002. John has created top-selling applications for iOS, Xbox and
more. John also runs SaaS company Devonian Apps, building
efficiency-minded software for technology workers like you.
Course Curriculum
Preview00 How to become a web developer (7:40)
Start01 HTML basics (7:26)
Start02 CSS basics (5:50)
Start03 Add images to website with HTML (9:13)
Start04 Link to pages with HTML hyperlinks (5:30)
Start05 Positioning items on a webpage with CSS flexbox (11:31)
Start06 Spacing out items with flexbox (9:31)
StartSource files
Start00 Where to code (5:49)
Start01 Getting started with building a website (9:18)
Start02 Saving your code (4:01)
Start03 Creating a haeder (11:00)
Start04 Creating different webpage sections (15:41)
Start05 Adding images to a webpage (10:36)
Start06 Creating a nav in HTML (12:43)
StartSource Files
Preview00 CSS Project Preview (0:46)
Start01 Style The Header (13:35)
Start02 Style The Navigation Bar (8:43)
Start03 Style Website Sections (9:42)
Start04 Build A Sidebar (10:18)
Start05 Build A Responsive Layout (10:50)
Start06 Build Backup Styles For Older Browsers (5:47)
StartSource Files
Preview00 Javascript Project Preview (3:07)
Start01 Handle Player Interaction (8:48)
Start02 Handle Button Press (6:21)
Start03 Show Player Actions (9:01)
Start04 Build A Computer Player (7:29)
Start05 Show Computer Hand (8:32)
Start06 Determine A Winner (10:55)
Start07 Update Player Scores (8:04)
StartSource Files
Preview00 What Is React Native (8:18)
Start01 Build React Native Apps On The Web (5:59)
Start01B The Structure Of A React Native App (15:35)
Start02 Start Your First React Native App (6:53)
Start03 Build A Heading (8:38)
Start04 Build Input Fields (9:51)
Start05 Build A Button (5:12)
StartSource Files
Preview00 What Is Node JS (8:23)
Start01A Send A Server Response To A Client (6:55)
Start01B Create Your Own Server Modules (4:48)
Start01C Work With The Client Request (11:00)
Start02 Create A Server (7:24)
Start03 Create HTML Files (3:59)
Start04 Read Website Directory (6:22)
Start05 Serve Different Website Pages (8:12)
Start06 Serve A 404 Error If Page Doesn't Exist (7:12)
StartSource Files
Preview00 What Is Express JS (4:24)
Start01 Set Up An Express Server (8:15)
Start02 Serve A Webpage With Express (7:12)
Start03 Send Client To Another Page (6:49)
Start04 Send An Error Page (8:08)
Start05 Build An Express Server For A Chatboard (6:27)
Start06 Build A Client Chat Page (5:53)
Start07 Send And Receive Chat Messages (16:08)
StartSource Files
Start00 What Is Python (4:48)
Start01 Start A Round With A Hidden Word (10:02)
Start02 Get User Input (6:04)
Start03 Handle An Incorrect Letter (7:32)
Start04 Handle A Correct Letter (7:34)
Start05 Handle A Word Guess (5:43)
Start06 Restart Game (6:33)
Start07 Load A Random Word (6:16)
Start08 Check Already Guessed Letters Or Words (7:38)
StartSource Files
Start00A What Is Machine Learning (5:27)
Start00B Types Of Machine Learning Models (12:12)
Start00C What Is Supervised Learning (11:03)
Start00D What Is Linear Regression (5:03)
Start01 Create A Dataset (10:19)
Start02 Prepare Data For Machine Learning (7:05)
Start03 Fit A Model Through The Data (8:11)
Start04 Visualize Model Results (5:28)
StartSource Files
Start00. Introductions To Programming Language (2:56)
Start01. What Languages We Will Be Learning (0:52)
Start02. Lets Code Something Fun (1:12)
Start03. Your First Code (1:20)
Start04. Congratulations! (0:30)
Start05. Differences Of Coding Languages (1:33)
Start06. Programing Languages 2 (1:43)
Start07. Programing Basics Part 1 (1:46)
Start08. Variables (2:28)
Start09. Types Of Variables Int (2:58)
Start10. Float Variables (0:50)
Start11. Boolean Variables (1:05)
Start12. Characters (1:58)
Start13. User Input And Output (2:30)
Start14. User Input (1:32)
Start15. Co-Ordinates (2:06)
Start16. Math (1:31)
Start17. How Computers Do Math (1:43)
Start18. Modulo And Exponents (1:02)
Start19. If Statements (1:44)
Start20. The Condition In The If (0:50)
Start21. If And Else Statements (0:51)
Start22. If Else Statements (1:15)
Start23. Conditions Greater Than (1:04)
Start24. Less Than (1:22)
Start25. Equals (0:53)
Start26. Does Not Equal (1:22)
Start27. Conditions And Oporators (1:17)
Start28. Or Opporators (1:04)
Start29. Multi Conditional Statements (2:11)
Start30. X Y Cordinates In Ifs (1:08)
Start31. Loops (2:09)
Start32. For Loops (1:53)
Start33. Do While Loops (1:10)
Start34. Breaks In Loops (1:11)
Start35. Arrays (2:30)
Start01. Course Requirements (2:59)
Start02. What is JSBin (3:14)
Start03. Setting up the HTML Document (2:39)
Start04. Header Tags and Paragraphs Tags (4:04)
Start05. Styles (3:30)
Start06. Bold underLine and Italic Tags (3:08)
Start07. Adding in a Link (1:36)
Start08. Adding in a Image (3:00)
Start09. Adding a Link to an Image (1:53)
Start10. Lists (4:02)
Start11. Tables (3:28)
Start12. Different Kinds of Input (4:57)
Start13. Adding in a Submit Button (2:59)
Start14. Scripts and Style Tags (3:25)
Start01. Course Requirements (3:57)
Start02. HTML Styles Crash Course (4:45)
Start03. Adding code to the CSS (4:44)
Start04. Adding in IDs to the CSS (5:14)
Start05. Classes in CSS (2:38)
Start06. Font Families (5:02)
Start07. Colors in CSS (5:43)
Start08. Padding in CSS (3:04)
Start09. Text Align and Transforms (3:13)
Start10. Margins and width (5:32)
Start11. Changing the body (4:10)
Start12. Latin Text Generator (1:55)
Start13. Adding in a horizontal menu with HTML and CSS (7:51)
Start14. Adding a background Image (4:02)
Start15. Playing around with margins in CSS (2:19)
Start01. Course Requirements (4:48)
Start02. HTML, CSS and JavaScript crash course (4:52)
Start03. Adding in Functions (4:34)
Start04. Scaling functions (4:26)
Start05. Changing the Text in JavaScript (4:48)
Start06. Variables (5:39)
Start07. Arrays (5:29)
Start08. Objects (6:34)
Start09. Variable Scope (5:02)
Start10. Adding user input text (5:03)
Start11. Calling Functions (3:54)
Start12. If Statements (4:48)
Start13. Else if and Else Statements (4:04)
Start14. Changing the style with JavaScript (5:47)
Start01. Course Requirements (2:55)
Start02. What Is Jsbin (3:15)
Start03. Setting Up The Html Document (2:41)
Start04. Header Tags And Paragraphs Tags (4:06)
Start05. Styles (3:32)
Start06. Bold Underline And Italic Tags (3:10)
Start07. Adding In A Link (1:38)
Start08. Adding In A Image (3:00)
Start09. Adding A Link To An Image (1:54)
Start10. Lists (4:03)
Start11. Tables (3:29)
Start12. Different Kinds Of Input (4:59)
Start13. Adding In A Submit Button (3:01)
Start14. Scripts And Style Tags (3:27)
Start01. Variables (5:36)
Start02. JavaScript (10:24)
Start03. Numbers (4:52)
Start04. Booleans (5:22)
Start05. If Statements (4:27)
Start06. Arrays (8:31)
Start07. For Loops (9:16)
Start08. While Loops (4:33)
Start09. Objects (8:02)
Start10. Functions (6:09)
Start11. Foreach (3:54)
Start12. Map Functions (5:20)
Start13. Using Objects As Dictionary (2:44)
Start14. Switch Statements (6:38)
Start15. Destructuring (5:30)
Start16. Spread Operator (6:56)
Start17. String Templates (6:37)
Start18. Error Handling (5:45)
Start19. Let And Const Keywords (3:39)
Start20. Do-while (1:45)
Start21. Sets (5:42)
Start22. Maps (4:39)
Start23. Stacks (6:06)
Start24. Queues (11:49)
Start25. For Loop (5:11)
Start26. Recursive Functions (7:13)
Start27. Loop Labeling (5:18)
Start28. 2d Arrays (21:59)
Start29. Settimeout (7:02)
Start30. Sentimental (11:21)
Start31. Functions With Optional Parameters (15:10)
Start32. Basic Regular Expression (5:53)
Start33. Handle Keypress Events (22:45)
Start34. Priority Queue (15:54)
Start35. Adddelete Object Property (2:44)
Start36. Example With Sets Part 1 (28:49)
Start36. Example With Sets Part 2 (43:20)
Start37. Concat (3:12)
Start38. Flat And Flatmap (2:06)
Start02 01 What will we learn in this section (0:43)
Start02 02 Declare Variables with let and Const (15:45)
Start02 03 Blocks and IIFEs (11:41)
Start02 04 Strings in ES2020 (11:40)
Start02 05 Coding Challenge (0:47)
Start02 06 Coding Challenge Solution (2:05)
Start02 07 Section Summary (0:44)
Start08 01 What will we learn in this section (1:01)
Start08 02 Asynchronous JavaScript Example (11:18)
Start08 03 The Event Loop (12:15)
Start08 04 Asynchronous Javascript with Callbacks (9:17)
Start08 05 Promises (21:15)
Start08 06 Async Await (11:41)
Start08 07 AJAX and APIs (6:36)
Start08 08 Make AJAX Calls with Fetch and Promises (11:25)
Start08 09 Make AJAX Calls with Fetch and Async Await (7:29)
Start08 10 Coding Challenge (0:45)
Start08 11 Coding Challenge Solution (7:40)
Start08 12 Section Summary (0:55)
Start02.01 What We Will Learn (1:00)
Start02.02 What Is React Native (3:15)
Start02.03 How React Native Works (7:52)
Start02.04 Expo Vs React Native Cli (4:19)
Start02.05 Building First React Native App (3:53)
Start02.06 Run The App On Android Simulator (2:11)
Start02.07 Run The App On Ios Simulator (2:11)
Start02.08 Summary And Challenge (2:12)
StartSource Files
Start01 Web Development Fundamentals (12:40)
StartSection 1 Code
Start01 How To Get Bootstrap (3:42)
Start02 Build Bootstrap Grids (11:44)
Start03 Set Display Property With Bootstrap (13:54)
Start04 Build A Layout With Bootstrap Flex (13:17)
Start05 Grow Shrink Fill With Bootstrap Flex (8:02)
StartSource Code
Start01 Build Website Skeleton With Bootstrap (8:36)
Start02 Find Bootstrap Icons (1:50)
Start03 Build Bootstrap Navigation (17:04)
Start04 Build A Nav (16:28)
Start05 Build A Carousel (8:47)
Start06 Populate A Carousel (15:01)
Start07 Display A Carousel (5:47)
Start08 Adding Service Pages (7:48)
Start09 Add Row And Column (12:40)
Start10 Display Featurettes And Begin Mobile-First Design (5:56)
Start11 Responsive Columns With Flexbox (8:15)
Start12 Link To Pages In A Carousel (4:16)
Start13 Build A Contact Form (19:48)
Start14 Fine Tune The Contact Form (2:57)
Start15 Build A Footer (3:50)
StartSource Code for All Lectures in Project 1
Start01 Product Page Project Setup (8:14)
Start02 Build A Product Header (13:04)
Start03 Add Elements Onto Background Image (7:56)
Start04 Build A Pricing Page (10:12)
Start05 Style The Pricing Page (3:03)
Start06 Build A Checkout Page (13:40)
Start07 Build A Billing Information Section (11:30)
Start08 Build Address Selection Fields (9:57)
Start09 Build Payment Information Fields (8:56)
Start10 Build Card Information Fields (10:14)
Start11 Add Fine Tuning (3:52)
StartProject 2 Source Code
Start01 Build Your First Vue.js App (9:53)
Start02 Build A Timer (render Data To The DOM) (4:42)
Start03 Build Reactive Behavior With A Directive (4:37)
Start04 Enable User Interaction With Vue.js (6:47)
Start05 Enable User Input With Vue (4:24)
Start06 Hide Or Show With Conditionals (4:19)
Start07 Build A List With Vue (5:22)
StartSource Files
Start03 01 What Will We Learn In This Section (0:33)
Start03 02 What Is Module System (1:15)
Start03 03 Node Core Modules (6:27)
Start03 04 Import Your Own Modules (4:57)
Start03 05 NPM Modules (1:26)
Start03 06 Install And Use NPM Module (5:13)
Start03 07 Global NPM Packages (2:30)
Start03 08 Nodemon (9:33)
Start03 09 Summary And Challenge (1:09)
StartSource Files
Start11 01 What Will We Learn In This Section (0:56)
Start11 02 What Is Asynchronous (5:32)
Start11 03 Callstack (5:29)
Start11 04 Callback Queue (7:17)
Start11 05 Eventloop (2:06)
Start11 06 Making Http Requests (9:41)
Start11 07 Callback Functions (3:12)
Start11 08 Callback Abstraction (9:08)
Start11 09 Callback Chaining 1 (7:43)
Start11 10 Summary (1:01)
StartSource Files
Start12 01 What Will We Learn In This Section (1:04)
Start12 02 What Is Express (11:26)
Start12 03 Postman (14:39)
Start12 04 Serve Up Html And Json (12:37)
Start12 05 Serve Up Static Assets (8:46)
Start12 06 Serve Up Css (10:38)
Start12 07 Serve Up Images (4:37)
Start12 08 Build Dynamic Pages With Templates (12:08)
Start12 09 Customize Views Directory (6:47)
Start12 10 HTML Status Codes (8:43)
Start12 11 404 Pages (7:20)
Start12 12 Summary And Challenge (1:21)
StartSource Files
Start01 01 Introduction To The Course (3:43)
StartSource Files
Start02 01 What Will We Learn In This Section (0:44)
Start02 02 Variables (10:21)
Start02 03 Data Types (5:41)
Start02 04 Variable Mutation (6:53)
Start02 05 Type Coercion (6:52)
Start02 06 Coding Challenge (1:36)
Start02 07 Coding Challenge Solution (2:43)
Start02 08 Section Summary (0:46)
StartSource Files
Start04 01 What Will We Learn In This Section-1 (0:36)
Start04 02 If Else Statements-2 (11:43)
Start04 03 Boolean Logic-3 (7:57)
Start04 04 Switch Statements-4 (10:54)
Start04 05 Truthy And Falsie Values-5 (6:03)
Start04 06 Equality Operators-6 (4:38)
Start04 07 Coding Challenge-7 (2:25)
Start04 08 Coding Challenge Solution-8 (4:54)
Start04 09 Section Summary-9 (1:07)
StartSource Files
Start06 01 What Will We Learn In This Section-1 (0:38)
Start06 02 Objects And Properties-2 (9:49)
Start06 03 Objects And Methods-3 (12:25)
Start06 04 Objects Vs Primitives-4 (16:17)
Start06 05 Coding Challenge-5 (0:51)
Start06 06 Coding Challenge Solution-6 (5:13)
Start06 07 Section Summary-7 (0:42)
StartSource Files
Start08 01 What Will We Learn In This Section (0:52)
Start08 02 JavaScript Parsers And Engines (5:19)
Start08 03 Execution Contexts And Execution Stack (2:26)
Start08 04 Creation And Execution Phases (6:23)
Start08 05 Hoisting (2:13)
Start08 06 Scoping (4:52)
Start08 07 Scope Chain (3:20)
Start08 08 This Keyword (4:16)
Start08 09 Coding Challenge (0:46)
Start08 10 Coding Challenge Solution (3:21)
Start08 11 Section Summary (0:47)
StartSource Files
Start01 Build Main Javascript Files (7:03)
Start02 Build Tool Controls (8:37)
Start03 Launch A Server (7:53)
Start03A Install Http Server (5:59)
Start03C Disable Cache (6:35)
Start04 Load An Image From User's Computer (7:40)
Start04A Where To Find Images (1:19)
Start05 Put Image Onto Canvas (13:55)
Start06 Resize Canvas To Fit Image (6:44)
Start07 Save Image (9:53)
Start08 Undo An Action (11:16)
Start09 Redo An Action (7:05)
StartSource Files
Start01.01 Introduction To The Course-1 (1:30)
Start01.02 Introduction Of The Instructor-2 (2:05)
Start01.03 Why Should You Learn User Interface And User Experience In Adobe Xd-3 (2:04)
Start01.04 Quick Win-4 (1:32)
Start01.05 What Is Ui Vs Ux Vs Product Designe-5 (2:22)
Start01.06 Course Requirements (What Software, Experience)-6 (1:30)
Start03.01 What Will We Learn In This Section-1 (0:38)
Start03.02 Work With Type In Xd Wireframes-2 (8:53)
Start03.03 Basic Colors And Buttons In Adobe Xd Wireframes-3 (8:12)
Start03.04 Make A Gradient In Adobe Xd-4 (5:29)
Start03.05 Free Icons For Adobe Xd And Ux Ui Projects-5 (4:35)
Start03.06 Add Footers To Your Xd Wireframe-6 (4:05)
Start03.07 Add Lorem Ipsum To Your Xd Wireframe-7 (3:21)
Start03.08 New Pages And Artboards In Adobe Xd-8 (2:42)
Start03.09 Build A Wireframe Homepage-9 (5:51)
Start03.10 Build A Wireframe Contact Us Page-10 (7:50)
Start03.11 Section Summary-11 (0:51)
Start05.01 What Will We Learn In This Section-1 (0:35)
Start05.02 Work With Groups And Isolation Mode-2 (3:32)
Start05.03 Make And Use Components-3 (7:57)
Start05.04 Left Navigation-4 (2:10)
Start05.05 Use The Repeat Grid-5 (3:03)
Start05.06 Update Components-6 (3:42)
Start05.07 Section Summary-7 (0:42)
Start06.01 What Will We Learn In This Section-1 (0:50)
Start06.02 Mock Up An App In Adobe Xd-2 (12:51)
Start06.03 Use The Xd App On Iphone And Android-3 (1:53)
Start06.04 Add Iphone And Android Battery And Status Icons To Mockup-4 (3:56)
Start06.05 Build Login And Dashboard Screens-5 (21:03)
Start06.06 Section Summary-6 (0:52)
Start09.01 What Will We Learn In This Section-1 (0:44)
Start09.02 Work With Images And Cc Library Connection-2 (5:53)
Start09.03 Adobe Stock Connection To Find Images-3 (3:34)
Start09.04 Find Free Images To Use In Xd Mockups (Pixabay)-4 (4:55)
Start09.05 Masking And Opacity And Blurring Background Images-5 (6:52)
Start09.06 Section Summary-6 (0:45)
Start10.01 What Will We Learn In This Section-1 (0:43)
Start10.02 What Are Micro Interactions-2 (6:26)
Start10.03 Button Grow Interaction-3 (6:20)
Start10.04 Full Screen Image Interaction-4 (8:31)
Start10.05 Animated Image Gallery With Micro Interactions-5 (7:45)
Start10.06 Full Vector Change Micro Interaction-6 (9:21)
Start10.07 Section Summary-7 (0:42)
Start11.01 What Will We Learn In This Section-1 (0:52)
Start11.02 Time Delay Transitions-2 (2:15)
Start11.03 Animated Mobile Side Navigation For Burger Menu-3 (7:27)
Start11.04 Build A Working Drop Down Menu-4 (5:21)
Start11.05 Use The Drag Transition-5 (3:58)
Start11.06 Section Summary-6 (0:52)
Start00. Introduction-1 (3:24)
Start01. Downloading And Installing Android Studio-2 (6:51)
Start02. Exploring Android Studio Interface-3 (12:58)
Start03. Understanding File Hierarchy-4 (12:18)
Start04. Exploring Activity-layout Relationship-5 (19:35)
Start05. Setting Up An Emulator-6 (6:59)
Start06. Running App And Implementing User Interaction-7 (6:44)
Start07. Debugging An App-8 (6:11)
Start08. Summary And Outro-9 (4:06)
Start00. Introduction-1 (6:11)
Start01. Introduction To Variables-2 (7:03)
Start02. Basic Operations-3 (9:16)
Start03. Nullable Variables-4 (5:22)
Start04. Collections Intro-5 (7:26)
Start05. Mutable Lists And Arrays-6 (6:51)
Start06. If Statements And Expressions-7 (8:09)
Start07. When Statements And Expressions-8 (3:28)
Start08. While Loops-9 (6:45)
Start09. For In Loops-10 (4:53)
Start10. Introduction To Functions-11 (7:54)
Start11. Functions With Parameters And Return Values-12 (7:28)
Start12. Classes And Objects Introductions-13 (16:35)
Start13. Subclassing And Superclassing-14 (13:10)
Start14. Summary And Outro-15 (4:40)
Start00 Random Number App Project Preview-1 (0:55)
Start01 Create The Project Layout-2 (13:02)
Start02 Add A Button Programatically-3 (3:49)
Start03 Extract Strings To A Separate File-4 (4:24)
Start04 Position Views In The Center-5 (8:19)
Start05 Enable Button Press-6 (12:06)
Start06 Show A Random Number-7 (7:14)
Start00 Card Maker App Project Preview-1 (2:06)
Start01 Build An Edittext View-2 (11:08)
Start02 User Input Functionality-3 (7:26)
Start03 Build Card Message Input-4 (9:08)
Start04 Build Card Message Functionality-5 (10:49)
Start05 Enable User Editing-6 (6:45)
Start06 Allow User To Update Message Textview-7 (7:41)
Start07 Build Card Signature Input-8 (9:51)
Start08 Build Listeners For The Signature Views-9 (8:27)
Start00 Detail View (streaming App Ui) Preview-1 (0:58)
Start01 Set Up Constraint Layout-2 (10:34)
Start02 Build Overview Views-3 (8:19)
Start03 Put Views Into Card View-4 (7:22)
Start04 Build Description Views-5 (13:07)
Start05 Build A Secondary Description-6 (11:31)
Start06 Build Ratings View-7 (12:23)
Start07 Enable App Scrolling-8 (4:10)
StartSource Files
Start01. Pencil Vector Tool (3:56)
Start02. Shapes Exercise (5:40)
Start03. Artboard Fundamentals (4:05)
Start04. Masks (4:50)
Start05. Essentials about Text (3:38)
Start06. What To Know About Colors (5:42)
Start07. Layer Styles (3:41)
Start08. Symbols (13:56)
Start09. Project - Calculator UI (11:07)
StartSource Files
Start01. Wireframes (5:28)
Start02. Libraries Intro (4:28)
Start03. Creating Your Own Libraries (7:21)
Start04. Creating Dynamic UI Elements (6:48)
Start05. Mobile Landing Page Activity (10:27)
Start06. Creating the Log In Screen for our Application (9:06)
Start07. Creating the Main Screen of Our Application (16:45)
Start08. Creating the Settings Page for our Application (10:09)
Start09. Creating Application User List (6:51)
Start10. Create An App Icon (13:21)
Start11. Exporting (5:47)
Start12. Prototyping (12:06)
Start13. Creating a Landing Page (10:56)
StartSketch Project Files - Waves App by Mammoth Interactive
Start00. Intro And Demo-1 (6:48)
Start01. General Interface Intro-2 (15:06)
Start02. File System Introduction-3 (13:24)
Start03. Viewcontroller Intro-4 (6:53)
Start04. Storyboard File Intro-5 (17:28)
Start05. Connecting Outlets And Actions-6 (14:12)
Start06. Running An Application-7 (10:06)
Start07. Debugging An Application-8 (11:40)
StartXCode Intro
Start00. Learning Goals (4:24)
Start00. Language Basics Topics List (5:14)
Start01. Intro To Variables And Constants (16:16)
Start02. Primitive Types (19:07)
Start03. Strings (19:11)
Start04. Nil Values (13:16)
Start05. Tuples (14:39)
Start06. Type Conversions (23:40)
Start07. Assignment Operators (11:43)
Start08. Conditional Operators (12:51)
StartVariables and Constants Text.playground
Start00. Topics List And Learning Objectives (4:06)
Start01. Intro To If And Else Statements (10:07)
Start02. Else If Statements (9:13)
Start03. Multiple Simultaneous Tests (12:58)
Start04. Intro To Switch Statements (9:46)
Start05. Advanced Switch Statement Techniques (16:25)
Start06. Testing For Nil Values (12:15)
Start07. Intro To While Loops (14:51)
Start08A. Intro To For...In Loops (14:39)
Start08B Intro To For...In Loops (Cont'd) (11:19)
Start09. Complex Loops And Loop Control Statements (20:05)
StartControl Flow Text.playground
Start00. Topics List And Learning Objectives (4:16)
Start01. Intro To Functions (20:19)
Start02. Function Parameters (12:01)
Start03. Return Statements (14:26)
Start04A. Parameter Variations - Argument Labels (9:23)
Start04B. Parameter Variations - Default Values (5:50)
Start04C. Parameters Variations - Inout Parameters (9:03)
Start04D. Parameter Variations - Variadic Parameters (11:11)
Start05. Returning Multiple Values Simultaneously (7:46)
StartFunctions Text.playground
Start00. Topics List And Learning Objectives (5:25)
Start01. Intro To Classes (16:23)
Start02A. Properties As Fields - Add To Class Implementation (13:43)
Start02B. Custom Getters And Setters (8:44)
Start02C. Calculated Properties (24:12)
Start02D. Variable Scope And Self (13:15)
Start02E. Lazy And Static Variables (14:35)
Start03A. Behaviour And Instance Methods (16:38)
Start03B. Class Type Methods (7:42)
Start04. Class Instances As Field Variables (8:52)
Start05A. Inheritance, Subclassing And Superclassing (24:06)
Start05B. Overriding Initializers (13:41)
Start05C. Overriding Properties (16:30)
Start05D. Overriding Methods (10:33)
Start06. Structs Overview (20:24)
Start07. Enumerations (16:30)
Start08. Comparisons Between Classes, Structs And Enums (14:40)
StartSource files
Start01 Build A Text Object-1 (9:24)
Start02 Build An Image Object-2 (3:41)
Start03 Add An Image From The Web-3 (3:32)
Start04 Add An Image From The Web-4 (10:32)
Start05 Build A Button-5 (5:07)
Start06 Build A Toggle Button-6 (7:09)
Start07 Build A Slider-7 (9:09)
Start08 Build A View From A Collection-8 (7:10)
StartSource Files
Start01 Build An AR Delegate (5:27)
Start02 Set Up AR View (3:11)
Start03 Handle Tapping-3 (8:09)
Start04 Build Circle On Location Of Tap-4 (6:53)
Start05 Build Arviewrepresentable To Test App-5 (6:46)
Start06 Remove Circle Upon Second Tap-6 (1:51)
Start07 Calculate Distance Between Objects-7 (7:54)
Start08 Display Distance Results On Screen-8 (5:05)
StartSource files
Start00. Introduction (4:47)
Start01. Intro To Python (5:46)
Start02. Variables (19:34)
Start03. Type Conversion Examples (10:21)
Start04. Operators (7:21)
Start05. Operators Examples (22:09)
Start06. Collections (8:39)
Start07. Lists (11:55)
Start08. Multidimensional List Examples (8:22)
Start09. Tuples Examples (8:51)
Start10. Dictionaries Examples (14:41)
Start11. Ranges Examples (8:46)
Start12. Conditionals (6:58)
Start13. If Statement Examples (10:32)
Start14. If Statement Variants Examples (11:35)
Start15. Loops (7:17)
Start16. While Loops Examples (11:47)
Start17. For Loops Examples (11:35)
Start18. Functions (8:04)
Start19. Functions Examples (9:33)
Start20. Parameters And Return Values Examples (14:08)
Start21. Classes and Objects (11:30)
Start22. Classes Example (13:28)
Start23. Objects Examples (10:10)
Start24. Inheritance Examples (17:43)
Start25. Static Members Example (11:20)
Start26. Summary and Outro (4:23)
StartIntro to Python Slides
Start00. Course Intro (5:11)
Start01. Intro to Numpy (6:20)
Start02. Installing Numpy (3:59)
Start03. Creating Numpy Arrays (16:55)
Start04. Creating Numpy Matrices (11:57)
Start05. Getting and Setting Numpy Elements (16:59)
Start06. Arithmetic Operations on Numpy Arrays (11:56)
Start07. Numpy Functions Part 1 (19:13)
Start08. Numpy Functions Part 2 (12:36)
Start09. Summary and Outro (3:01)
StartSource Files
Start00. Course Intro (5:30)
Start01. Intro to Pyplot (5:10)
Start02. Installing Matplotlib (5:51)
Start03. Basic Line Plot (7:53)
Start04. Customizing Graphs (10:47)
Start05. Plotting Multiple Datasets (8:10)
Start06. Bar Chart (6:26)
Start07. Pie Chart (9:13)
Start08. Histogram (10:14)
Start09. 3D Plotting (6:28)
Start10. Course Outro (4:09)
StartPyplot Code
Start00. Panda Course Introduction (5:43)
Start01. Intro to Pandas (7:55)
Start02. Installing Pandas (5:28)
Start03. Creating Pandas Series (20:34)
Start04. Date Ranges (11:29)
Start05. Getting Elements from Series (19:20)
Start06. Getting Properties of Series (13:04)
Start07. Modifying Series (19:01)
Start08. Operations on Series (11:48)
Start09. Creating Pandas DataFrames (22:57)
Start10. Getting Elements from DataFrames (25:12)
Start11. Getting Properties from DataFrames (17:44)
Start12. Dataframe Modification (36:24)
Start13. DataFrame Operations (20:09)
Start14 DataFrame Comparisons and Iteration (15:35)
Start15. Reading CSVs (12:00)
Start16.Summary and Outro (4:14)
StartSource Files
Start00. Course Intro.mp4 (6:04)
Start01. Quick Intro to Machine Learning (9:00)
Start02. Deep Dive into Machine Learning (6:01)
Start03. Problems Solved with Machine Learning Part 1 (13:26)
Start04. Problems Solved with Machine Learning Part 2 (16:25)
Start05. Types of Machine Learning (10:15)
Start06. How Machine Learning Works (11:40)
Start07. Common Machine Learning Structures (13:51)
Start08. Steps to Build a Machine Learning Program (16:34)
Start09. Summary and Outro (2:49)
StartIntro to Machine Learning Slides
Start00. Course Intro (6:10)
Start01. Intro to Tensorflow (5:32)
Start02. Installing Tensorflow (3:52)
Start03. Intro to Linear Regression (9:26)
Start04. Linear Regression Model - Creating Dataset (5:49)
Start05. Linear Regression Model - Building the Model (7:22)
Start06. Linear Regression Model - Creating a Loss Function (5:57)
Start07. Linear Regression Model - Training the Model (12:42)
Start08. Linear Regression Model - Testing the Model (5:22)
Start09. Summary and Outro (2:55)
StartSource Files
Start00. Course Intro (6:57)
Start01. Intro to Image Recognition (6:40)
Start02. Intro to MNIST (4:42)
Start03. Building a CNN Part 1 - Obtaining Data (15:40)
Start04. Building a CNN Part 2 - Building the Model (10:14)
Start05. Building a CNN Part 3 - Adding Loss and Optimizer Functions (4:57)
Start06. Building a CNN Part 4 - Train and Test Functions (10:58)
Start07. Building a CNN Part 5 - Train and Test the Model (9:17)
Start08. MNIST Image Recognition with Keras Sequential Model (13:23)
Start09. Summary and Outro (2:55)
StartSource Files
Start01 What Are Search Algorithms-1 (7:20)
Start02 Depth First Search-2 (9:00)
Start02b Build A Depth First Search Algorithm-3 (8:26)
Start03 What Is Breadth First Search (bfs)-4 (5:08)
Start03b Build A Breadth First Search Algorithm-5 (6:55)
Start04 Depth Limited Search-6 (3:57)
Start05 Iterative Deepening Depth First Search-7 (5:32)
Start06 What Is Uniform Cost Search-8 (6:04)
Start06b Build A Uniform Cost Search Algorithm-9 (8:07)
Start07 Bidirectional Search-10 (4:43)
StartSource Files
Start01 How Does A Machine Learning Agent Learn-1 (7:37)
Start02 What Is Inductive Learning-2 (4:10)
Start03 Make Decisions With Decision Trees-3 (10:49)
Start04 Performance Of A Machine Learning Algorithm-4 (4:13)
Start05 Handle Noise In Data-5 (5:20)
Start06 Statistical Learning-6 (3:56)
StartSource Files
Start05.01 What Is Logistic Regression-1 (4:26)
Start05.02 Prepare Data For Logistic Regression-2 (12:19)
Start05.03 How To Prepare Data-3 (8:52)
Start05.04 Build A Logistic Regression Model-4 (5:29)
Start05.04a How To Build A Logistic Regression Model-5 (3:28)
Start05.04b What Is Optimization-6 (12:10)
Start05.05 Optimize The Logistic Regression Model-7 (12:44)
Start05.05a How To Optimize A Logistic Regression Model-8 (12:45)
Start05.06 Train The Model-9 (10:09)
Start05.07 Test The Model-10 (2:33)
Start05.08 Visualize Results-11 (5:38)
StartSource Files
Start06.01 What Is Gradient Boosting-1 (1:54)
Start06.02 Prepare Data For Gradient Boosted Classification-2 (7:19)
Start06.03 Build Binary Classes-3 (6:12)
Start06.04a How To Shape Data For Classification-4 (2:57)
Start06.04b Shape Data For Classification-5 (7:06)
Start06.05a How To Build A Boosted Trees Classifier-6 (4:03)
Start06.05b Build A Boosted Trees Classifier-7 (4:37)
StartSource Files
Start09.01 What Is A Neural Network-1 (8:02)
Start09.02 Prepare Data-2 (8:31)
Start09.03 Shuffle And Batch Data-3 (3:26)
Start09.04 Build Weights And Biases-4 (6:25)
Start09.05 Build A Neural Network From Scratch-5 (5:28)
Start09.06 Optimize The Model-6 (10:20)
Start09.07 Train And Evaluate The Model-7 (11:36)
Start09.08 Test And Visualize The Neural Network-8 (9:57)
StartSource Files
Start11.01 What Is A Convolutional Neural Network-1 (4:32)
Start11.02 Prepare Data For A Convolutional Neural Network-2 (4:09)
Start11.03 Shuffle And Batch Data-3 (2:17)
Start11.04 Build Weights And Biases-4 (8:48)
Start11.05 What Are Wrappers-5 (18:09)
Start11.06 Build A Convolutional Neural Network From Scratch-6 (9:57)
Start11.07 What Is The Adam Optimizer-7 (13:20)
Start11.08 Train And Evaluate The Model-8 (10:32)
Start11.09 Test And Visualize The Convolutional Neural Network-9 (7:49)
StartSource Files
Start13.01 What Is A Recurrent Neural Network-1 (4:58)
Start13.02 Prepare Data For A Recurrent Neural Network-2 (7:25)
Start13.03 Shuffle And Batch Data-3 (2:43)
Start13.04 Build A Recurrent Neural Network-4 (7:42)
Start13.05 Calculate Accuracy And Loss-5 (4:53)
Start13.06 Optimize The Neural Network-6 (5:08)
Start13.07 Train A Recurrent Neural Network-7 (6:09)
StartSource Files
Start14.01 What Is A Dynamic Neural Network-1 (6:09)
Start14.02 Generate Sample Data-2 (13:39)
Start14.03 Shuffle And Batch Data-3 (4:23)
Start14.04 Build A Dynamic Neural Network-4 (7:34)
Start14.05 Calculate Accuracy And Loss-5 (5:15)
Start14.06 Optimize The Neural Network-6 (7:29)
Start14.07 Train A Dynamic Neural Network-7 (11:55)
StartSource Files
Start15.01 What Is A Bi-directional Neural Network-1 (5:46)
Start15.02 Prepare Data For A Bi-directional Neural Network-2 (8:54)
Start15.03 Build A Bi-directional Neural Network-3 (8:43)
Start15.04 Calculate Accuracy And Loss-4 (5:51)
Start15.05 Optimize The Bi-directional Rnn-5 (5:29)
Start15.06 Train A Recurrent Neural Network-6 (6:44)
StartSource Files
Start17.01 What Is An Auto-encoder-1 (4:44)
Start17.02 Prepare Data For An Auto-encoder-2 (10:23)
Start17.03 Build Weights And Biases-3 (6:40)
Start17.04 Build Encoder And Decoder-4 (6:00)
Start17.05 Optimize The Auto-encoder-5 (7:48)
Start17.06 Train The Auto-encoder-6 (5:36)
Start17.07 Visualize Reconstructed Images-7 (14:15)
StartSource Files
Start18.04a How Do You Build A Discriminator-1 (8:22)
Start18.04b Build A Discriminator-2 (11:39)
Start18.05 Calculate Losses-3 (6:47)
Start18.06 Optimize The Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network-4 (12:26)
Start18.07 Train The Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network-5 (10:55)
Start18.08 Visualize Test Results-6 (8:42)
StartSource Files
Start01 Downsample Images-1 (3:58)
Start02 Upsample Images-2 (4:35)
Start03 Build A Downstack-3 (3:20)
Start04 Build An Upstack-4 (3:02)
Start05 Build More Layers For The Generator-5 (3:31)
Start06 Downsample Through The Downstack-6 (1:49)
Start07 Upsample Through The Upstack-7 (3:36)
Start08 Visualize The Generator-8 (2:50)
StartSource Files
Start01 What Is A Generative Neural Network (7:26)
Start02 What Is A Convolutional Neural Network (7:04)
Start03 How To Build A Convolutional Neural Network (14:04)
Start04 How To Build A Dense Layer (2:42)
Start05 How To Build A Batch Normalization Layer (1:52)
Start06 Leaky Relu Activation Function (6:04)
Start07 Transposed Convolution Layer (5:17)
Start08 Hyperbolic Tangent (Tanh) Activation Function (2:59)
StartSource Files
Start00 Style Transfer Project Overview (5:36)
Start01 Load The Model (4:57)
Start02 Load Images (6:53)
Start03 Reformat Image For Machine Learning (7:03)
Start04 Load Original And Style Images (6:27)
Start05 Display Processed Images (10:58)
Start06 Extract Image Features (6:58)
Start07 Calculate The Style Representation (6:01)
Start08 Optimize The Model (5:27)
Start09 Use Machine Learning To Transfer Image Style (13:54)
StartSource Files
Start01 Load And Process Image (7:14)
Start02 Build A Training Dataset (6:49)
Start03 Visualize Training Dataset (5:35)
Start04 Build A Testing Dataset (4:04)
Start05 Build A Neural Network (7:24)
Start06 Train The Neural Network (4:39)
Start07 Visualize Image Approximation Results (5:14)
StartSource Files
Start00a What Is Deep Learning-1 (6:08)
Start00b What Is A Neural Network-2 (8:06)
Start01 Build A Perceptron-3 (13:25)
Start02 Build A Sigmoid Function-4 (8:01)
Start03 Build A Sigmoid Perceptron-5 (7:34)
Start04 Build A Relu Activation Function-6 (7:12)
Start05 Build A Leaky Relu Activation Function-7 (6:09)
StartSource Files