Hello Coding 4.0 - The Complete Learn to Code in 99 Days (Levels 4-6)

Part 2 of Hello Coding 4.0. Blockchain, game development, and interview preparation.

Level 4 - Blockchain (15 Hours)

Blockchain Programming

Dive into the hottest new tool revolutionizing the financial industry, the Internet and starting a new era. Blockchain isn't just a headline. It's a set of tools. If you don't learn Blockchain, you will get left behind.

  • Introduction to Blockchain
  • Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass
  • Decentralized App Development with Solidity & JavaScript

Decentralized Software Development

Web 3.0 Programming Masterclass - Decentralized Application (Dapp) Development with Blockchain, which includes:

Build a simple tally decentralized website with Truffle, Solidity and vanilla JavaScript

  • Build and compile Truffle Solidity smart contract
  • Deploy and migrate Truffle Solidity smart contract with Ganache

Build a simple dapp with React and Web3 that connects to MetaMask

  • Build a new React app
  • Build a main component
  • Display main component on webpage
  • Build a signin component
  • Detect MetaMask Crypto Wallet with Web3
  • Handle signIn in App component
  • Test with Ganache and MetaMask
  • Tips for debugging web3 dapps

Build a dapp to show MetaMask account and network

  • Build a React app with components
  • Detect MetaMask crypto wallet with Web3
  • Connect components to app
  • Handle account or network change

Build a Truffle project with local Ganache CLI blockchain

  • Build a new Truffle project
  • Build a local blockchain with Ganache CLI
  • Deploy contracts to local blockchain
  • Send transaction to run function on your contract
  • Use Infura to connect to public networks
  • Fork Infura client to local Ganache blockchain

Build an NFT contract and deploy on OpenSea

  • Build a new Truffle project
  • Configure MetaMask to use Mumbai Testnet
  • Get an RPC URL key with MaticVigil
  • Build an NFT Solidity smart contract
  • Build collection data and NFT data
  • Upload images and JSON to Pinata IPFS
  • Migrate contracts to Mumbai network
  • Mint tokens at contract address
  • View NFT on OpenSea

Build a Simple NFT Contract with Hardhat, OpenZeppelin and Local Blockchain

  • Build a new Hardhat project
  • Build a simple NFT contract with OpenZeppelin ERC721 standard and Hardhat
  • Test smart contract with Ethereum Waffle
  • Log to console in Solidity with Hardhat
  • Deploy contract to local network

Build web3 client to interact with smart contract via website

  • Build HTML to interact with smart contract via website
  • Connect to MetaMask with JavaScript web3
  • Enable user to interact with smart contract via website
  • Test dapp with server, MetaMask and Ganache

Build an NFT minting dapp with Truffle, Solidity, OpenZeppelin and React

  • Build React Truffle project from scratch
  • Build a smart contract for minting NFTs
  • Understanding initializing web3
  • Initialize web3 in React with Web3Modal and Ethers
  • Deploy smart contract to get address and ABI
  • Build frontend NFT minting functionality
  • Build website elements for user interaction
  • Test project with MetaMask and Ganache

Build a to do list dapp with Truffle and React

  • Set up Truffle dapp with Create React App
  • Build a to do list smart contract
  • Connect to smart contract in web app
  • Migrate smart contract on local Ganache blockchain
  • Build API key env variable from BlockNative Notifier
  • Connect backend smart contract functionality to frontend
  • Listen for messages from MetaMask browser wallet
  • Build website elements for user interaction
  • Test project with MetaMask and Ganache
  • Style completed tasks

Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass

Level 5 - Game Development (15 Hours)

The video game industry is bigger than the video industry, music industry, and film industries - combined. If you want to build your own business and get customers immediately, games have the most customers of all industries.

Use the #1 game engine Unreal Engine 5, created by Epic Games (the makers of Fortnite). Build self driving cars. Use virtual reality, augmented reality and machine learning in your games. Build and animate hyperrealistic 3D characters for games and videos.

  • Build Your First Simple Virtual Reality Game in Unreal Engine 5
  • Introduction to Unreal 5 for Beginners with Blueprints
  • Simple Augmented Reality from Scratch in Unreal Engine 5
  • Unreal 5 C++ Beginners Masterclass - Build a Top Down Game From Scratch
  • Unreal Game Developer: Beginner and Multiplayer Masterclass
  • Build a Self Driving Car with Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints and C++
  • Build a Simple Platformer Game in Unreal Engine 5 - Your First UE5 Game
  • Build Machine Learning Datasets with Unreal Procedural Generation
  • Build Realistic Humans in MetaHuman with Unreal 5 Character Animation
  • Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5

You will need a Windows computer or Windows Virtual Machine to run the Unreal Engine.

Level 6 - Interview Prep (40 Hours)

Are You Struggling to Get Your Dream Job? 😢

To get a coding interview, you need to show your prior experience. That's why Levels 1-5 are designed to give you a huge Github portfolio.

To pass that coding interview, you will have to prove your skill by passing a coding challenge. 😨

Welcome to Level 6. 👌 Get 100% ready for the coding interview.

  • Essential Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Essential JavaScript Software Interview Questions
  • Python Interview Questions
  • SQL Interview Questions
  • Swift & iOS Interview Questions
  • C++ and C# Data Structures, Algorithms
  • Machine Learning Interview Questions
  • Math Interview Questions with JavaScript

Bonus - Get all courses from Hello Coding 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0! That's 450 hours total.

Your Instructor

Alexandra Kropf
Alexandra Kropf

Alexandra Kropf is Mammoth Interactive's CLO and a software developer with extensive experience in full-stack web development, app development and game development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive since 2016, including the Coding Interview series in Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python and Swift.

Mammoth Interactive is a leading online course provider in everything from learning to code to becoming a YouTube star. Mammoth Interactive courses have been featured on Harvard’s edX, Business Insider and more.

Over 12 years, Mammoth Interactive has built a global student community with 4 million courses sold. Mammoth Interactive has released over 350 courses and 3,500 hours of video content.

Founder and CEO John Bura has been programming since 1997 and teaching since 2002. John has created top-selling applications for iOS, Xbox and more. John also runs SaaS company Devonian Apps, building efficiency-minded software for technology workers like you.

Course Curriculum

  Levels 1-3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  LEVEL 4 - Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 00 Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 02 How to Build Smart Contracts Online
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 03 Build Your First Solidity Smart Contract
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 04 Build Solidity Variables
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 05 Build Solidity Arrays
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 06 Build Solidity Mappings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 07 Build Solidity Conditionals and Loops
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 08 Send Ether
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - 10 Interact on a Live Blockchain with Web3, Ganache and Truffle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 00 Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 01c Install npm and Node
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 02 Build a Truffle project
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 03 Build NFT smart contract with Solidity & OpenZeppelin
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 04 Build a test for your NFT smart contract
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 05 Deploy smart contract with Ganache personal blockchain
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 06 Test NFT contract properties
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 07 Build mint tokens functionality
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 08b Build client front end for the decentralized app
Available in days
days after you enroll
  NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development - 10 Build a mint function on the client
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Web3 Programming Masterclass - 01a Build a simple tally decentralized website with Truffle, Solidity and vanilla JavaScript
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Web3 Programming Masterclass - 01b Build, compile, deploy and migrate Truffle Solidity smart contract
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Web3 Programming Masterclass - 01d Build a simple dapp with React and Web3 that connects to MetaMask
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Web3 Programming Masterclass - 02 Build React web app components
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Web3 Programming Masterclass - 06 Use Infura to connect to public networks
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Web3 Programming Masterclass - 07a Project overview - Build an NFT contract and deploy on OpenSea
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Web3 Programming Masterclass - 08 Build collection data and NFT data
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass - 00 Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass - 00a Blockchain and Smart Contracts Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass - 00c Marlowe Fundamentals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass - 01a Build a Simple Send Crypto Contract
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass - 01b Build a Selectable Amount Contract
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass - 04 Build a Token Swap Smart Contract
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass - 07 Build a Discount Bond Contract
Available in days
days after you enroll
  LEVEL 5 - Build a Self Driving Car with Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints and C++ - 00a Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Self Driving Car with Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints and C++ - 00b Unreal Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Self Driving Car with Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints and C++ - 00c Code Editor Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Self Driving Car with Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints and C++ - 01 Build a Self Driving Car Environment in Unreal
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Self Driving Car with Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints and C++ - 02 Implement Cruise Control with Unreal and CPP
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Simple Platformer Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 00a Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Simple Platformer Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 01 Build a New Unreal Project
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Simple Platformer Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 04 Build the Level
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Simple Platformer Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 05 Build a Death Zone
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build a Simple Platformer Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 06 Fine Tune Game Art
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Machine Learning Datasets with Unreal Procedural Generation - 03 Add Realism to the Procedural Level
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Machine Learning Datasets with Unreal Procedural Generation - 05 Screenshot the Game via Blueprint
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Machine Learning Datasets with Unreal Procedural Generation - 06 Deep Learning Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Realistic Humans in MetaHuman with Unreal 5 Character Animation - 02 Build a Zombie in MetaHuman
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Realistic Humans in MetaHuman with Unreal 5 Character Animation - 03 Save your MetaHumans for Export
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Realistic Humans in MetaHuman with Unreal 5 Character Animation - 04 Age a Character in MetaHuman
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Realistic Humans in MetaHuman with Unreal 5 Character Animation - 05 Animate 3D MetaHuman in Unreal
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 00a Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 00d Build Pointers and References in C++
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 02 Build an Enemy with CPP
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 03 Dynamically Spawn Enemies with CPP
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 04 Build Enemy Movement and Lifespan
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 05 Process Collisions to Kill Enemy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 06 Build Score System
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 07 Build Game Over and Restart
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First Simple VR Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 00a Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Build Your First Simple VR Game in Unreal Engine 5 - 02 Add Objects to the Virtual Reality Game
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Introduction to Unreal 5 for Beginners with Blueprints - 02 Build game actions with blueprints
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simple Augmented Reality from Scratch in Unreal Engine 5 - 00a Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simple Augmented Reality from Scratch in Unreal Engine 5 - 02 Build an Augmented Reality Project from Scratch
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unreal 5 C++ - Build a Top Down Game From Scratch - 00a Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unreal 5 C++ - Build a Top Down Game From Scratch - 01 Build a game from scratch in Unreal with C++
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unreal 5 C++ - Build a Top Down Game From Scratch - 02 Build a custom player with C++
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unreal 5 C++ - Build a Top Down Game From Scratch - 04 Change player size and speed dynamically
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unreal 5 C++ - Build a Top Down Game From Scratch - 06 Build game over functionality
Available in days
days after you enroll
  LEVEL 6 - Ace the Python Coding Interview - 00 Introduction and FizzBuzz
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Ace the Python Coding Interview - 01 Time Complexity
Available in days
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  Ace the Python Coding Interview - 02 String and Array Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Ace the Python Coding Interview - 03 Matrix Interview Questions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Ace the Python Coding Interview - 06 Graph Interview Questions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Section 1 String and Array Interview Questions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Section 2 Matrix Interview Questions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Section 3 Linked List Interview Questions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Section 4 Binary Tree Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Section 5 Graph Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Section 7 Dynamic Programming
Available in days
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  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Section 9 Combinations and Permutations Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++ - Section 10 Math Interview Questions
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  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 0 Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 1 String and Array Interview Questions
Available in days
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  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 2 Matrix Interview Questions
Available in days
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  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 3 Linked List Interview Questions
Available in days
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  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 4 Binary Tree Interview Questions
Available in days
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  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 5 Graph Interview Questions
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  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 7 Dynamic Programming Interview Questions
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  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 9 Permutations and Combinations
Available in days
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  C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity - Section 10 Math Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 00 Introduction and FizzBuzz
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 01 String and Array Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 02 Matrix Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 03 Linked List Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 04 Binary Tree Interview Questions
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 05 Sorting and Time Complexity
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 06 Graph Interview Questions
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 07 Dynamic Programming Interview Questions
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 08 Bit Manipulation Interview Questions
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 09 Combinations and Permutations Interview Questions
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  Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview - 10 Math Interview Questions
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  Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide - Section 0 Course Introduction
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  Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide - Section 1 String and Array Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide - Section 2 Matrix Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide - Section 3 Linked List Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide - Section 4 Binary Tree Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide - Section 9 Combinations and Permutations Questions
Available in days
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  Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide - Section 10 Math Interview Questions
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  Machine Learning Interview Questions - Course Intro
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  Machine Learning Interview Questions - 03. Model and Data Errors
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  Machine Learning Interview Questions - 05. Summary
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  Smash the Coding Interview: Tackle Math Interview Questions with JavaScript - Intro
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  Smash the Coding Interview: Tackle Math Interview Questions with JavaScript - 02 Number Encoding
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  Smash the Coding Interview: Tackle Math Interview Questions with JavaScript - 03 Combinatorics Questions
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  SQL Coding Interview Guide - 00 Course Overview
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  Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift - 01 Introduction and FizzBuzz
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  Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift - 02 String and Array Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift - 03 Matrix Interview Questions
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  Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift - 04 Linked List Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift - 06 Graph Interview Questions
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  Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift - 08 Dynamic Programming Interview Questions
Available in days
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  Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift - 10 Combinations and Permutations Interview Questions
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  Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift - 11 Math Interview Questions
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - Introduction
Available in days
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - Access Control
Available in days
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - ARC
Available in days
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - Classes vs Structs
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - Features of Swift
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - iOS App States
Available in days
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - Swift Layout Techniques
Available in days
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - ViewController Lifecycle Events
Available in days
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  Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation - Summary
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!