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Make 2D & 3D Graphs in Python with Matplotlib for Beginners
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Introduction to Python (2:07)
00. Basics of Programming
00-01. Variables (23:46)
00-02. Functions (28:29)
00-03. ifStatements (32:19)
01. Lists
01-01. Introduction to Lists (31:03)
02. Loops
02-01. Introduction to and Examples of using Loops (39:03)
02-02 Getting familiar with while Loops (30:19)
02-03 Breaking and Continuing in Loops (30:55)
02-04 Making Shapes with Loops (16:28)
02-05. Nested Loops and Printing a Tic-Tac-Toe field (37:49)
03. Sets and Dictionaries
03-02 An Example for an Invetory List (27:16)
03-01 Understanding Sets and Dictionaries (25:58)
04. Input and Output
04-01 Introduction and Implementation of Input and Output (38:46)
04-02 Introduction to and Integrating File Input and Output (43:17)
04-03 An example for a Tic-Tac-Toe Game (38:09)
04-04 An example of a Tic-Tac-Toe Game (Cont'd) (30:49)
04-05 An Example writing Participant data to File (34:01)
04-06 An Example Reading Participant Data from File (27:38)
04-07 Doing some simple statistics with Participant data from File (27:22)
05. Classes
05-01 A First Look at Classes (42:44)
05-02 Inheritance and Classes (42:44)
05-03 An Example of Classes using Pets (24:07)
05-04 An Example of Classes using Pets - Dogs (17:19)
05-05 An examples of Classes using Pets - Cats (23:03)
05-06 Taking The Pets Example further and adding humans (16:33)
06. Importing
06-01 Introduction to Importing and the Random Library (16:15)
06-02 Another way of importing and using lists with random (16:51)
06-03 Using the Time Library (12:44)
06-04 Introduction to The Math Library (12:44)
06-05 Creating a User guessing Game with Random (13:13)
06-06 Making the Computer guess a random number (22:47)
07. Project- BlackJack Game
07-01 BlackJack Game Part 1 - Creating and Shuffling a Deck (14:48)
07-02 Blackjack Game part 2 - Creating the player class (8:18)
07-03 Blackjack Game Part 3 - Expanding the Player Class (14:48)
07-04 Blackjack Game part 4 - Implementing a bet and win (18:23)
07-05 Blackjack Game part 5 - Implementing the player moves (24:18)
07-06 Blackjack Game Part 6 - Running the Game (Final) (37:50)
08. Error Handling
08-01 Getting started with error handling (23:36)
Installing Matplotlib
Intro to Matplotlib (1:50)
01. Basics
01 Introduction, Setup, And Installation (5:33)
02 Creating Our First Scatter Plot (14:58)
03 Line Plots (11:43)
02. Graph Customization
01 Labels, Title, and a Legend (13:17)
02 Changing The Axis Ticks (13:15)
03 Adding text into our graphs (11:38)
04 Annotating our graph (12:53)
05 Changing Figure Size and Saving the Figure (13:48)
06 Changing the axis scales (23:36)
03. More Advanced Plots
01 Creating Histograms (18:34)
02 Creating Histograms (Cont'd) (19:53)
03 Changing Histogram Types (8:11)
04 Bar Plots (23:52)
05 Stack Plots (14:34)
06 Pie Charts (15:13)
07 Box And Whisker Plots (21:07)
04. Finance Graphs
01 Creating Figures and Subplots (12:31)
02 Getting and Parsing csv data for plotting (20:14)
03 Creating a Candlestick plot (21:57)
04 Setting Dates for our Candlestick Plot (12:58)
05 Reading data directly from Yahoo (19:28)
06 Customizing our OHLC graph (9:13)
05. Advanced Graph Customization
01 Adding grids (15:28)
02 Taking a closer look at tick labels (13:04)
03 Customising grid lines (12:40)
04 Live Graphs (29:31)
05 Styles and rcParameters (22:43)
06 Sharing an X axis between two plots (18:51)
07 Setting Axis Spines (14:49)
08 Creating multiple axes in our figure (16:34)
09 Creating multiple axes in our figure (cont'd) (16:37)
10 Plotting into the multiple axes (19:43)
11 Plotting into the multiple axes (cont'd) (15:13)
06. 3D Plotting
01 Getting started with 3D plotting (16:34)
02 Surface plots and colormaps (16:17)
03 Wireframes and contour plots (27:35)
04 Stacks of histograms and text for 3D plotting (24:34)
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Intro to Matplotlib
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