The Complete Unity/Unreal METAVERSE Game Development Bundle
Build over 100 games. The Metaverse is THE next big money maker in game development. This is YOUR CHANCE to get in on the ground floor.
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Whether you choose Unreal or Unity as your game engine, this is the #1 masterclass you need this year.
The Metaverse is the biggest technology opportunity of the decade.
Get in on the ground floor.
Never worry about your next paycheck again.
Big companies, including Apple and Meta (Facebook), are going ALL IN on the Metaverse. You should, too.
This bundle of courses shows you how to use UNITY AND UNREAL to make Metaverse-ready products.
Metaverse is THE skillset you need to survive the 2020s.
If you like playing video games, why not learn how to make them and make MONEY from your hobby?
Do you need to learn new technologies to beef up your resume?
Do you want to build games, apps and 3D environments?
Do you need to upskill with machine learning and artificial intelligence?
Are you worried about losing your job to automation?

If we’ve piqued your curiosity, this course is what you need.
The Complete Unreal Engine 5 and Unity 2022 course. You get to learn BOTH.
Show your support by backing us right away. Learn to build projects in Game Development, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and many more.
In short, beginners, coding enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, side hustlers, video game fans - EVERYONE IS WELCOME to this masterclass.
Stop dreaming and start building!
Look at just some of the games we will build together in this course.

In Level 1, learn the fundamentals of game development. No prior experience necessary!
✅ Unreal Engine 5 Game Development for Absolute Beginners and All Ages
- Learn to Code with Blueprint Visual Scripting
- Destroy Actor Upon Player Collision
- Build Explosion Upon Collision
- Build User Interface to Show Score
- Spawn Actors at Random Locations
- Debug Unreal Blueprints
✅ Unity Game Development for Absolute Beginners and All Ages
- Build a 3D Platform Game
- Introduction to Coding in Unity Visual Scripting
- Enable Input Controls with Unity Visual Scripting
- Handle Collisions with Unity Visual Scripting
- Restart Unity Level with Visual Scripting
- Auto Generate Platforms for Each Level
- Keep Track of Levels in User Interface
- Restart Game if Player Loses All Lives
- Build a Play Screen for Game Start
- Build a GameOverScene to Show Score
- Build Collectible Coins
- Build Explosion Effect Upon Collision
✅ Beginners Robotics From Scratch with Unreal Engine 5
- Set Up a Robot, Arena and Sensor
- Build a Light Sensor Robot
- Move Robot Based On Sensor
- Build a Path Detection Robot
- Build an Object Detection Robot
✅ Godot Game Development for Absolute Beginners and All Ages
- Build a 2D game with Godot
- Enable player input controls
- Code player movement with visual scripting
- Build collectible item
- Randomly spawn food
- Handle collisions with Godot visual scripting
- Build random enemy obstacles
- Build game over screen
✅ Decentraland 3D Web3 Development with TypeScript
- What is Decentraland
- Developing for Decentraland
- Blockchain Introduction
- Command Line Fundamentals
- JavaScript Programming for Beginnres
- TypeScript Programming for Beginnres
- Build a Decentraland Scene

In Level 2, build your first games in Unity and Unreal. We make it fun and easy to get started.
✅ 2D Game Development in Unity for Beginners - Build a Block Breaker Game
✅ Introduction to Unreal 5 for Beginners with Blueprints - UE5 Game Development
- Build a simple 2D block breaker game in Unity.
- Build a 3D game in Unreal 5 with blueprints.
- Learn the fundamentals of C++ programming.
- Build a first person shooter game with C++ in Unreal 5.
- Build a top down game from scratch with C++ in Unreal 5.
- Build a self driving car on an Unreal 5 Advanced Vehicle racetrack with blueprints and C++.

In Level 3, build 3D and Virtual Reality games in Unity and Unreal.
- Build a 3D and Virtual Reality Zombie First Person Shooter game in Unity
- Build a 3D and Virtual Reality Skydiving game in Unity
- Build a Virtual Reality game in Unreal
- No headset required - we'll build with VR simulators
- Get 75 FBX models included from Mammoth Interactive

In Level 4, build Augmented Reality games in Unity and Unreal.
- Build an augmented reality project in Unreal. An Android phone is required for testing the project.
- Build an augmented reality image tracker app in Unity.

In Level 5, build machine learning agents in Unity and Unreal.
- Learn the fundamentals of machine learning, deep learning and neural networks from scratch.
- Train a 'brain' (agent) in a 3D scene with Unity and ML-Agents, Unity's Python machine learning solution.
- Reward and punish agents during training.
- Show training results and accelerate training.
- Procedural generation with machine learning in Unreal.

In Level 6, build local and multiplayer battle royale games.
- Build a local battle royale in Unity.
- Build a networked multiplayer battle royale with MLAPI, Unity's official networking solution.
Build yourself and other realistic humans in MetaHuman by Epic Games.
- Build realistic humans super quickly in MetaHuman Early Access for games, animation and voiceover characters.
- Build a zombie in MetaHuman.
- Age a character in MetaHuman.
- Use MetaHumans in Unreal with Quixel Bridge.
+Get ALL of Mammoth Interactive's prior Unity and Unreal Kickstarter content.
That's 300 FREE hours of extra content from our previous Kickstarters:
- Build a multiplayer battle royale in Unreal Engine 4.
- Build 6 games in Unreal Engine 4.
- Build 40 2D and 3D games in Unity with C#.
- Build a 3D portals clone in Unity and Blender.
- Build The Legend of Zenda in Unity 2017.
- Build a 3D Super MARLO Runner clone in Unity.
- Build a Ninja Survival mobile game in Unity and Blender.
- Build 4 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Projects in Unity.
- Build a Mega Dude Action Shooter game in Unity with pixel art.
- Build an Air Hockey game in Unity.
- Build an Angry Birds 2D Puzzle clone in Unity.
- Build a 2D Flappy Bird game in Unity with C#.
- Build 30 Virtual Reality games in Unity 2017.
- Build a multiplayer role playing battle royale game in Unity 2017 with C#.

✓ Master the game development projects by building projects
✓ Create a portfolio of projects to apply for developer jobs
✓ Rapidly prototype 2D, 3D, VR, and AR games
✓ Implement machine learning and artificial intelligence in games, Unreal and Unity environments
✓ Learn powerful game engines that are also used for self driving car training, film, and architecture
✓ Learn object oriented design by building Blueprints
✓ Be able to code in C++ and C# programming languages professionally.

Don't miss out! Join the developers building games with Unity and Unreal.
- No game development, programming or machine learning experience needed - We'll teach you everything you need to know.
- A Mac or PC computer with access to the internet. A PC with minimum Windows 7 is required only for Unreal. Unity works on Mac or PC.
- No paid software required
- We'll walk you through, step-by-step how to get all the software installed and set up.
Welcome to the The Complete Unity/Unreal METAVERSE Game Development Bundle, the only course you need to learn game development. With over 50,000 reviews, our courses are some of the HIGHEST RATED courses online!
This masterclass is without a doubt the most comprehensive course available anywhere online. Even if you have zero game development experience, this course will take you from beginner to professional.

Here's why:
- The course is a taught by 4+ instructors with decades of programming experience.
- We've taught over 800,000 students how to code and many have gone on to become professional developers or start their own tech startup.
- You'll save $72,000, the average cost of 6 coding bootcamps. You'll learn completely online at your own pace. You'll get lifetime access to content that never expires.
- The course has been updated to be 2023 ready. You'll learn the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as the makers of Fortnite, Google, and Microsoft.
We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a game developer.
The course includes 1080p HD video tutorials and builds your game development knowledge while making real-world projects.

Game development is not as hard as you think.
Feeling stuck in life? Maybe you're working three jobs to make ends meet. I'm sure you've heard how much developers make these days... It's time to upskill!

Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:
- Unity 2022
- Unreal Engine 5
- C# programming
- Blueprints
- MLAPI (Multiplayer API)
- ML-Agents (Machine Learning)
- Augmented Reality
- Virtual Reality
- 2D and 3D games
- Vuforia
- C++ programming
- Networking
- MetaHuman
You'll build a portfolio of projects that you can show off to any potential employer.
Sign up today, and look forward to:
- Video Lectures
- All Source Code
- Free 3D models by Mammoth Interactive
- Fully Fledged Projects
- Programming Resources
- Downloads
How do I obtain a certificate?
Each certificate in this bundle is only awarded after you have completed every lecture of the course.
Many of our students post their Mammoth Interactive certifications on LinkedIn. Not only that, but you will have projects to show employers on top of the certification.
Is this an eBook or videos?
The majority of this course bundle will be video tutorials (screencasts of practical coding projects step by step.) We will also have several PDFs and all source code.
Can't I just learn via Google or YouTube?
This course is much more streamlined and efficient than learning via Google or YouTube. We have curated a massive 5-course curriculum to take you from absolute beginner to starting a high-paying career in AWS Machine Learning.
How will I practice to ensure I'm learning?
With each section there will be a project, so if you can build the project along with us you are succeeding. There is also a challenge at the end of each section that you can take on to add more features to the project and advance the project in your own time.
Read more FAQs in the FAQ tab.
Each edition includes ALL rewards of its cheaper levels.
About Us

Mammoth Interactive's mission is to close the tech skills gap by providing affordable and accessible courses primarily targeting beginners. Our instructors make video tutorials that are practical and to the point. Learning at Mammoth Interactive will be the next step to improving your career and your life.
We are not laying anyone off during this recession. Because of this, we're offering so many benefits in this Kickstarter. We need a bit more funding to keep our operations running from home.
Support our small business today.
Trusted Company with 32 Kickstarter Campaigns

Unlock Your Completion Certificate

Upon completing any of our courses, you'll receive a Completion Certificate. You can feature this certificate in your portfolio and share on LinkedIn.
Pre-Order on Kickstarter
Your Instructor
Alexandra Kropf is Mammoth Interactive's CLO and a software developer with extensive experience in full-stack web development, app development and game development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive since 2016, including the Coding Interview series in Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python and Swift.
Mammoth Interactive is a leading online course provider in everything from learning to code to becoming a YouTube star. Mammoth Interactive courses have been featured on Harvard’s edX, Business Insider and more.
Over 12 years, Mammoth Interactive has built a global student community with 4 million courses sold. Mammoth Interactive has released over 350 courses and 3,500 hours of video content.
Founder and CEO John Bura has been programming since 1997 and teaching
since 2002. John has created top-selling applications for iOS, Xbox and
more. John also runs SaaS company Devonian Apps, building
efficiency-minded software for technology workers like you.
Course Curriculum
Start00 What Are Unreal Actors And Levels (2:14)
Start01 Navigate The Menu Bar (10:00)
Start02 Navigate The Main Toolbar (6:29)
Start03 Navigate The Level Viewport (12:59)
Start04 Navigate The Content Drawer (4:19)
Start05 Navigate The Bottom Toolbar (3:09)
Start06 Navigate The Outliner And Details Panels (9:37)
StartSource Files
Start01 How To Code With Blueprint Visual Scripting (8:43)
Start02 What Is An Unreal Event (4:24)
Start03 What Is An Unreal Cast (4:02)
Start04 What Is An Unreal Function (10:01)
Start05 What Is An Unreal Branch Conditional (4:53)
Start06 Unreal Data Types (7:29)
Start07 What is an Unreal Cast (3:56)
Start08 What are Unreal Blueprint Arrays (4:33)
Start09 How Collisions Work in Unreal (7:39)
StartSource Files
Start00 Preview Of Player Score (0:37)
Start00B What Is A Variable In Unreal Blueprints (3:46)
Start01 Build A Variable In Game Mode To Track Score (7:09)
Start02 Set Score Variable Upon Collision (6:12)
Start02B What Are Unreal Blueprint Arrays (4:39)
Start03 Build Variable And Function To Count Actors Remaining (12:02)
StartSource Files
Start00 How To Debug Unreal Blueprints (4:38)
Start01A Example Of Debugging In Unreal Editor (4:22)
Start01B Breakpoints In Unreal Blueprint (3:38)
Start02 Build A Breakpoint In Unreal Blueprint (8:33)
Start02B Debug Window And Blueprint Debugger (2:23)
Start03 How To Use The Unreal Blueprint Debug Window (6:33)
StartSource Files
Start00 Preview Of Collision Handling In Unity (0:59)
Start01 Build A Death Zone Unity Object (4:54)
Start01B How Collisions Work In Unity (9:46)
Start01C What Is A Branch Conditional In Unity Visual Scripting (3:39)
Start02C Handle Player Collision With Plane With Unity Visual Scripting (6:24)
StartSource Files
Start01 Build A Coin Prefab (5:46)
Start02 Spawn Coins Randomly With Script (14:16)
Start03 Rotate Coin With Script (9:55)
Start04 Increase Score Upon Coin Collection (8:28)
Start05 Increase Score Dynamically During Game (3:51)
Start06 Debug Final Score Not Being Updated (2:28)
Start07 Delete Coin Upon Collision (4:05)
StartSource Files
Start00 What Are Unreal Actors And Levels (2:14)
Start01 Navigate The Menu Bar (10:00)
Start02 Navigate The Main Toolbar (6:29)
Start03 Navigate The Level Viewport (12:59)
Start04 Navigate The Content Drawer (4:19)
Start05 Navigate The Bottom Toolbar (3:09)
Start06 Navigate The Outliner And Details Panels (9:37)
StartSource Files - What are Unreal Actors and Levels
Start00 What Are Arrays (1:57)
Start01 Build Colors Array (4:14)
Start01 Where To Go From Here (3:44)
Start02 Set Texture Of Player With Visual Scripting (5:59)
Start03 Randomly Select Element From Array (5:19)
Start04 Randomize Colors Of Food (4:36)
Start05 Pop And Append Textures To Array (2:16)
Start06 Check Texture Equality Of Nodes (9:17)
StartSource files
Start01. Introduction to C# (5:02)
Start02. Creating a New Project (5:33)
Start03. Primitive Types (26:19)
Start03. Source Code
Start04. Type Conversion (13:03)
Start04. Source Code
Start05. Operators (23:40)
Start05. Source Code
Start06.01 Classes (17:30)
Start06.02 Inheritance (15:11)
Start06.03 Structures (9:15)
Start06.04 Arrays and Strings (12:21)
Start06.05 Enumerator (10:37)
Start06. Source Code
Start07.01 Statements (9:29)
Start07.02 Loops (11:11)
Start07.03 Random & Control Flow (12:33)
Start07. Source Code
Start08.01 Types of Arrays (19:40)
Start08.02 Lists (15:37)
Start08. Source Code
Start09.01 Modifying String (23:06)
Start09.02 Procedural Programmin (8:30)
Start09. Source Code
Start10. Date And Time (17:41)
Start10. Source Code
Start11.01 Modifying Files (15:21)
Start11.02 Directories And Path Class
Start11. Source Code
Start12 Debugging Application (13:55)
Start12. Source Code
Start01 Build A C# Script-1 (5:27)
Start02 Build Variables To Store Data-2 (7:50)
Start03 Build Methods To Perform Tasks-3 (9:28)
Start04 Build A Custom Method-4 (8:26)
Start05 Build If Statements To Make Conditions-5 (6:36)
Start06 Build Else Statements To Handle Conditions-6 (5:13)
Start07 Build Loops To Repeat Actions-7 (11:07)
Start08 Spawn Objects At Random Locations-8 (5:19)
Start09 Build A While Loop-9 (6:26)
StartSource Files
Start01 Handle Key Presses From The Keyboard-1 (8:49)
Start02 Move A Player With User Input-2 (7:09)
Start03 Make A Player Jump-3 (8:48)
Start04 Prevent Flapping When Jumping-4 (6:12)
Start05 Move Forward And Rotate Around-5 (8:44)
Start06 Build Multiple Cameras-6 (11:35)
Start07 Enable User To Switch Cameras-7 (8:39)
StartSource Files
Start01 Build A Bullet Prefab-1 (8:52)
Start02 Enable Player Shooting-2 (5:36)
Start03 Set Direction Of Bullet Movement-3 (10:54)
Start04 Remove Dead Bullets Over Time-4 (4:44)
Start05 Build An Explosion Effect-5 (11:27)
Start06 Spawn An Explosion Dynamically-6 (3:38)
Start07 Delete Explosion Over Time (2:19)
Start08 Spawn Explosion At Collision Location-7 (7:10)
StartSource Files
Start00 Build A New Console Application (6:40)
Start01 Build Variables To Store Data (9:49)
Start02 Build Functions To Perform Tasks (9:16)
Start03 Build Functions With Parameters (6:34)
Start04 Build Functions That Return Values (5:35)
Start05 Build Conditionals To Separate Code Flow (9:22)
StartSource Files
Start01 Build A New Unreal Project-1 (3:03)
Start02 Build More Tiles-2 (6:11)
Start03 Build A Blueprint To Randomly Place Tiles-3 (8:01)
Start04 Build A Grid With The Blueprint-4 (7:59)
Start05 Get A Random Tile-5 (7:10)
Start06 Set Each Tile Position And Rotation-6 (10:10)
Start07 Set Each Instance Name-7 (7:11)
Start00. Intro To Course And Python (9:57)
Start01. Variables (19:19)
Start02. Type Conversion Examples (10:06)
Start03. Operators (28:54)
Start04. Collections (8:25)
Start05. List Examples (19:41)
Start06. Tuples Examples (8:36)
Start07. Dictionaries Examples (14:26)
Start08. Ranges Examples (8:32)
Start09. Conditionals (6:43)
Start10. If Statement Examples (21:32)
Start11. Loops (29:42)
Start12. Functions (17:01)
Start13. Parameters And Return Values Examples (13:54)
Start14. Classes And Objects (34:11)
Start15. Inheritance Examples (17:29)
Start16. Static Members Examples (11:05)
Start17. Summary And Outro (4:08)
StartSource Code
Start01 Build A New Metahuman Project (8:01)
Start02 Blend A Human With Others (6:08)
Start03 Move And Sculpt Facial Features (4:53)
Start04 Change Skin Features (8:37)
Start05 Change Eye Features (5:47)
Start06 Change Teeth Features (4:33)
Start07 Apply Makeup To Your Metahuman (4:01)
Start08 Change Hair And Facial Hair (3:37)
Start09 Change Body Type And Clothes (3:43)
Start01. Starting the battle Royale (3:39)
Start02. Setting up the multiplayer (10:58)
Start03. Setting up the colors of the players (9:43)
Start04. Setting Playing colors with code (7:40)
Start05. Setting up the player Counter (6:47)
Start06. Switching the server athority and setting up player names (5:55)
Start07. Setting up the tag game (10:18)
Start01. Setting up the floor is lava (3:59)
Start02. Setting up the Lava Actor (7:15)
Start03. Setting up the player destroyed logic and talking about reduNdancies (4:01)
Start04. Checking the level map (4:23)
Start08. Setting up the tag cube (4:43)
Start09. Setting up the game mode variables (5:58)
Start10. Setting up the box rules (5:12)
Start11. Talking about bugs and problems (5:18)
Start12. Closing remarks on the tag game (2:09)
Start01. Getting started with adding a shooter to our third person Battle Royale (5:58)
Start02. Loading in the free animation starter pack (3:12)
Start03. Setting up the Battle Royale Character (3:51)
Start04. Pinning the gun to the player (3:55)
Start05. Adding in the player projectile (2:35)
Start06. Spawning the projectile (5:55)
Start07. Setting the velocity of the projectile (6:42)
Start08. Setting up the player health (5:15)
Start09. Adding in a health pickup (6:54)
Start01a. Unreal Crash Course - 01 Shooter - Part 1 (21:16)
Start01b. Unreal Crash Course - 01 Shooter - Part 2 (25:36)
Start01c. Unreal Crash Course - 01 Shooter - Part 3 (21:33)
Start01d. Unreal Crash Course - 01 Shooter - Part 4 (27:49)
Start01e. Unreal Crash Course - 01 Shooter - Part 5 (18:16)
Start05a. Unreal Crash Course - 05 - Runner Switcher - Part 1 (26:16)
Start05b. Unreal Crash Course - 05 - Runner Switcher - Part 2 (25:06)
Start05c. Unreal Crash Course - 05 - Runner Switcher - Part 3 (23:56)
Start05d. Unreal Crash Course - 05 - Runner Switcher - Part 4 (18:08)
StartUnreal Source Files
Start3.1. Designing a button_V2 (6:42)
Start3.2. Trigger colliders_V2 (6:43)
Start3.3. Pressure identification_V2 (3:36)
Start3.4. Button Animation_V2 (9:25)
Start3.5. Button Color_V2 (5:35)
Start3.6. Designing the Door_V2 (8:30)
Start3.7. Opening The Door_V2 (8:21)
Start3.8. Connecting the Button and the Door (7:05)
Start3.9. Orb_V2 (10:51)
Start1. Walls (6:49)
Start2. Walls and Floors UV (4:41)
Start3. Walls and Floors Export (3:53)
Start4. Floor and Wall Norm Spec map (5:41)
Start5. Floor Texturing (4:36)
Start6. Wall Texturing (4:32)
Start7. Doors (18:20)
Start8. Door UV Wrap (4:39)
Start9. Door Export (2:30)
Start10. Door Textured (10:47)
Start11. Door Unwrap Fix (3:56)
Start12. Door Normals and Unity Assembly (6:13)
Start13. Unity Wall Texturing (3:55)
Start14. Unity Floor Texturing (8:55)
Start10.1. New Box (5:10)
Start10.2. New Button (4:16)
Start10.3. New Wires (9:24)
Start10.4. New Doors (11:21)
Start10.5. New Walls (8:29)
Start10.6. New Floor and Ceiling (6:35)
Start10.7. Updating Level 2 (5:56)
Start10.8. Portal Gun (3:18)
Start10.9. Project Cleanup (1:14)
Start10.10. Adjusting Wall and Floor Materials (6:24)
Start10.11. Materials for the Door (2:37)
Start10.12. Button and Cable Materials (2:07)
Start10.13. Portal Gun and Final Touches (4:10)
Start10.14. Challenge Time! (3:03)
StartArt Assets for Portals Game from Mammoth Interactive
StartSource Code for Portals Game from Mammoth Interactive
Startg1.1 Creating a Project (2:23)
Startg1.10 Looking Around (10:18)
Startg1.2 Designing the Player (11:33)
Startg1.3 Moving the Player (10:22)
Startg1.4 Key Input (4:59)
Startg1.5 Activating Physics (7:03)
Startg1.6 Jumping (5:23)
Startg1.7 Double Jump Block (8:22)
Startg1.8 Velocity (6:11)
Startg1.9 Velocity Optimizations (4:09)
Startg2.1 Designing a Sword (7:24)
Startg2.1.5 FAQ on Sword Rotation
Startg2.2 Swinging the Sword (8:11)
Startg2.3 Moving the Sword Back (7:56)
Startg2.4 Retreating the Sword (5:34)
Startg2.5 Designing a bomb (3:09)
Startg2.6 Bomb Script (2:49)
Startg2.7 Exploding the bomb (10:24)
Startg2.8 Throwing Bombs_1 (12:09)
Startg2.9 Bow_1 (14:08)
Startg2.10 Swapping Weapons_1 (1:38)
Start0. Reference Images
Start1.1 headsetref (3:32)
Start1.2 head basic shaping (10:18)
Start1.3 head medium shaping (17:06)
Start1.4 head lips shaping (13:38)
Start1.5 head shape fixing (12:14)
Start1.6 body set ref (2:03)
Start1.7 body basic blocking (10:06)
Start1.8 body base detailing (25:40)
Start1.9 body torso detailing (15:09)
Start1.10 body hand detailing (18:30)
Start1.11 body head attachment (25:01)
Start1.12 edge flow fix (10:27)
Start1.13 body uv unwrap (23:47)
Start1.14 body base painting (7:16)
Start1.15 body painting base clean up (23:41)
Start1.16 Body Painting coloring (23:52)
Start1.17 body painting detailing eyes (6:15)
Start1.18 body painting face (13:56)
Start1.19 Body painting full body detailing (31:29)
Start1.20 Helmet Modeling (17:51)
Start1.21 Helmet Unwrap and Texturing (17:18)
Start1.22 Rigging 01 (11:13)
Start1.23 Rigging 02 (6:24)
Start1.24 Rigging End Fix (6:56)
Start1.25 Weight Painting and Export (5:12)
Start1.26 Importing to Unity (9:04)
Start2.1 Super Basic Prop Modeling (10:09)
Start2.2 Sword Basic Prop Modeling (17:12)
Start2.3 Bomb Basic Prop Modeling (6:14)
Start2.4 Shield Basic Prop Modeling (10:15)
Start2.5 Bow Basic Prop Modeling (14:01)
Start2.6 Arrow Basic Prop Modeling (11:57)
Start2.7 Arrow Quiver Basic Modeling (7:34)
Start2.7 Arrow Quiver Basic ModelingV2 (13:44)
Start2.8 Unity Weapon Toon Shading (7:34)
Start6.1 Modular Dungeon 1 (4:56)
Start6.10 Dungeon Textures Wall Fix (8:00)
Start6.11 Corner Wall Texture Quick Fix (3:08)
Start6.12 Dungeon Ceiling 1 (3:56)
Start6.13 Dungeon Ceiling 2 (3:56)
Start6.14 Dungeon in Unity (13:58)
Start6.2 Modular Dungeon 2 (7:27)
Start6.3 Modular Dungeon 3 (15:25)
Start6.4 Modular Walls Unwrap 1 (8:26)
Start6.5 Modular Walls Unwrap 2 (10:43)
Start6.6 Modular Walls Exporting UV's (3:25)
Start6.7 Dungeon Texturing 1 Floors (3:25)
Start6.8 Dungeon Texturing 2 Single Wall (5:39)
Start6.9 Dungeon Texturing 3 Angled Walls (5:14)
Startg8.1 Bomb Art_1 (8:05)
Startg8.2 Sword and Bow_1 (7:29)
Startg8.3 Attaching Weapons_1 (15:07)
Startg9.1 Sword Adjustment_1 (5:31)
Startg9.2 Dungeon Enemies_1 (12:55)
Startg9.3 Dungeon UI_1 (23:56)
Startg9.4 Designing a Treasure_1 (6:06)
Startg9.5 Collecting the Treasure_1 (10:56)
Startg9.6 Clearing Dungeons_1 (5:13)
Startg10.1 Effect Manager_1 (16:30)
Startg10.2 Navigation_1 (8:17)
Startg10.3 Agents_1 (10:30)
Startg10.4 Agent Animation_1 (8:40)
Startg10.5 Enemy Chasing 1_1 (11:02)
Startg10.6 Enemy Chasing 2_1 (2:08)
Startg10.7 Challenge Time_1 (6:56)
Startg10.8 New Player Orientation_1 (5:12)
Startg10.9 Camera Rotation_1 (4:40)
Startg10.10 Smooth Camera Rotation_1 (4:04)
Start01. Integrating the Character (16:49)
Start02. Adding Model to Player (4:37)
Start03. Jumping and Running (7:53)
Start04. Movement Stutter (2:55)
Start05. Wall jumping (8:18)
Start06. Power Up (4:38)
Start07. Swapping Background Art (7:08)
Start08. Background Adjustments (5:55)
Start09. Transparency Order (2:08)
Start10. Challenge Time! (3:54)
StartMarlo Run Art Assets
StartMarlo Source
StartG2.1 Reusability_V2 (5:09)
StartG2.2 Dynamically Adding the enemy_V2 (3:51)
StartG2.3 Game Mode Switch_V2 (8:00)
StartG2.4 Setting Up The Rolling Enemy_V2 (7:04)
StartG2.5 Rolling Enemy Movement_V2 (13:11)
StartG2.6 Enemy Positions_V2 (7:41)
StartG2.7 Killing the Player_V2 (7:11)
StartG2.8 Depth Range_V2 (13:15)
StartG2.9 Horizontal Range_V2 (11:33)
StartG3.1 Creating The boucing Enemy_V2 (7:32)
StartG3.2 Moving the Bouncing Enemy_V2 (8:34)
StartG3.3 Diagonal Movement_V2 (5:48)
StartG3.4 Movement Flip_V2 (7:20)
StartG3.5 Initial Angle_V2 (7:08)
StartG3.6 Enemy x Enemy Collision_V2 (4:10)
StartG3.7 Multiple Bouncer_V2 (4:01)
StartG3.8 Depth Walls_V2 (6:43)
StartG8.1 Setting up Endless Mode_V2 (11:16)
StartG8.2 Highschores_V2 (14:06)
StartG8.3 Refactoring The Spawn Logic_V2 (5:57)
StartG8.4 Increasing Difficulty_V2 (7:59)
StartG8.5 Bouncer Difficulty_V2 (8:05)
StartG8.6 Crawler Difficulty_V2 (8:35)
StartG8.7 Turrets Difficulty_V2 (3:09)
StartG8.8 Targets Difficulty_V2 (4:28)
StartG8.9 JetPack Difficulty_V2 (4:45)
Startk2.1 Bouncing Enemy (4:35)
Startk2.2 Rolling Enemy (5:21)
Startk2.3 Double Rolling Enemies (4:58)
Startk2.4 Crawler Enemy (7:39)
Startk2.5 Turret Enemy1 (12:21)
Startk2.6 Turret Enemy 2 (4:20)
Startk2.7 Player Ninja Char (18:59)
Startk2.8 Enemy Ninja Character (3:51)
Startk2.9 Ninja Stars (13:38)
Startk2.10 Flight Enemy (6:39)
Startk2.11 Jet Pack (11:29)
StartG10.1 Playing from the Game Scene_V2 (5:02)
StartG10.2 Integrating Jumper Art_V2 (17:59)
StartG10.3 Integrating the Roller Art_V2 (4:13)
StartG10.4 Integrating Roller Art (Con't)_V2 (2:22)
StartG10.5 Integrating the Crawler_V2 (5:18)
StartG10.6 Integrating The Turret Model_V2 (6:57)
StartG10.7 Aiming the New Turret_V2 (5:43)
StartG10.8 Integrating the Target Enemies_V2 (7:14)
StartG10.9 Integrating The Flying Enemy Art_V2 (1:49)
StartG10.10 New Player Art_V2 (7:17)
StartG10.11 Integrating the Dojo_V2 (3:35)
Start0. Gameplay (1:05)
Start01. Introduction (3:01)
Start02. Motivation (8:12)
Start03. Project Setup (6:58)
Start04. Node (15:50)
Start05. String Map (17:17)
Start06. A-Star Setup (13:08)
Start07. A-Star Loop (18:23)
Start08. Auxiliary Methods (9:52)
Start09. Finishing the Algorithm (7:15)
Start10. Importing 2D Assets (17:06)
Start15. Moving the Tank (9:45)
Start16. Visually Moving the tank (11:57)
Start17. Smooth Movement (12:53)
Start18. Smooth Rotation (4:53)
Start19. Ordering the Tank to move (19:29)
Start20. Speeding the Player up (4:24)
Start21. Spawning Logic (16:14)
Start22. Crate Visuals (13:17)
Start23. Adding Crates to Valid Positions (10:45)
Start24. Collecting Crates (13:02)
Start00. Gameplay (1:33)
Start01. Introduction (3:16)
Start02. Project Setup (8:19)
Start03. Building an Environment (15:24)
Start04. Camera Follow (10:37)
Start05. Raycasts (12:55)
Start06. Navmeshes (15:35)
Start07. Navmesh Agent (8:05)
Start08. Adjusting Agent Types (5:56)
Start09. Agent Steering (4:00)
Start10. Slopes (9:52)
Start11. Minerals (15:18)
Start12. Mining Ore (18:58)
Start13. Transparency (23:29)
Start14. Interface and Tutorial (17:11)
Start15. Integrating Sounds (5:35)
Start16. Challenge (2:07)
Start17. Source Code and Art Assets - Mammoth Interactive
Start00 - Game 1 - Gameplay (0:44)
Start01 - Introduction (2:43)
Start02. Environment Setup_V2 (12:28)
Start03. Generating a Build for Learning (13:21)
Start04. Training Process (22:49)
Start05. Running the Trained Model (9:46)
Start06. Creating an Academy_V2 (19:30)
Start07 - Making a playable scene_V2 (15:57)
Start08 - Setting the reward logic (8:42)
Start09 - Training the catcher academy (10:06)
Start10 - External Assets (8:21)
Start11 - Challenge (9:13)
StartSource Code and Art Assets - Mammoth Interactive
Start00. Game 2 - Gameplay (1:07)
Start01. Introduction (3:02)
Start02. Project Setup (8:27)
Start03. Adding a Background (4:44)
Start04. Creating a Spaceship (13:29)
Start05. Rotating the Player (7:38)
Start06. Smooth Rotation (5:30)
Start07. Camera Follow (8:45)
Start08. Asteroid Belt (7:08)
Start09. Modularizing The Rotation (16:45)
Start10. Steering Behaviour Wander (17:30)
Start11. Steering Behaviour Seek (12:57)
Start12. Steering Behaviour Arrival (9:21)
Start13. Steering Behaviour Flee (5:20)
Start14. Steering Behaviours Pursuit And Evade (17:31)
Start15. Steering Behaviour Path Following (18:30)
Start16. Steering Behaviour Path Following (Cont'd) (5:43)
Start17. Steering Behaviour Follow Leader (23:09)
Start18. Steering Behaviour Separation (14:19)
StartK001. Air Hockey Paddle (15:16)
StartK002. Air Hockey Puck (11:49)
StartK003. Air Hockey Table (15:26)
StartK004. Asset Exporting (4:31)
Start00. Introduction (2:07)
Start01. Project Setup (11:40)
Start02. Setting Up Physics (7:32)
Start03. Paddle Movement (12:28)
Start04. Game Bounds (8:00)
Start05. Bounciness (5:38)
Start06. Decelaration (7:02)
Start07. Collisions (7:59)
Start08. Scoring (13:51)
Start09. Player 2 (13:51)
Start10. Interface (5:18)
Start11. Restarting the Game (5:49)
Start12. Sounds Effects (2:45)
Start13. Challenge Time (1:57)
StartSource Code and Art Assets
Start00. Introduction (2:09)
Start01. Project Setup (3:59)
Start02. Player Structure (8:53)
Start06. Creating an Obstacle (8:05)
Start07. Instantiating Obstacles (8:18)
Start11. Score Areas (7:31)
Start13. Canvas Concerns (5:49)
Start14. Game Over (7:34)
Start15. Small Gameplay Adjustments (4:13)
Start01. Build a New File (5:16)
Start02. Navigational Controls (2:36)
Start03. Basic Tools Rundown (4:37)
Start06. Basic Layers (6:50)
Start07. Painting Sample (4:29)
Start08. Adjustment Layers (part 1) (6:07)
Start11. Transform Tool (6:11)
Start12. Transform Tool (Cont'd) (5:48)
Start13. Colour Range Select (4:46)
Start14. Image Settings (5:03)
Start15. Image Adjustment (2:42)
Start18. Ruler Usage (6:05)
Start01. Introduction (3:35)
Start02. New File and Navigation (4:19)
Start03. General Directions (2:23)
Start04. Pen Tool (10:22)
Start05. Line Segments (7:36)
Start06. Shape Tools (6:33)
Start07. Colour Filling (7:53)
Start08. Paintbrushes (4:14)
Start09. Pencil Tools (4:27)
Start10. Rotation and Reflection (4:30)
Start11. Scale Tools (3:53)
Start12. Width Tool (8:29)
Start13. Shape builder (Part 1) (6:06)
Start14. Shape Builder (Part 2) (4:50)
Start15. Shape Buidler (Part 3) (3:36)
Start16. Free Transform (3:13)
Start17. Perspective Tool (6:02)
Start18. Mesh Tool (3:31)
Start19. Gradient Tool (3:13)
Start21. Graphing Tools (3:39)
Start22. Layers (5:15)
Start23. Illustrator Fun (Part 1) (5:38)
Start00. Introduction (1:57)
Start01. Project Setup (8:43)
Start04. Launching Logic (6:56)
Start05. Dragging Feedback (4:36)
Start07. Physics Materials (4:57)
Start09. Prefabs (4:51)
Start10. Targets (4:30)
Start11. Dynamically Adding a Bird (7:15)
Start12. Events (7:23)
Start13. Interface (7:55)
Start16. Scoring Logic (6:37)
Start18. Bird Airtime Adjustments (4:34)
Start21. Challenge (1:50)
StartSource Code and Art Assets
Start01. Photoshop Setup (2:17)
Start01. Megadude Silhouette (5:19)
Start02. Megadude Walking (Part 1) (11:23)
Start03. Megadude Walking (Part 2) (8:48)
Start04. Megadude Walking (Part 3) (6:03)
Start05. Megadude Animation (7:06)
Start06. Megadude Jump (Part 1) (5:16)
Start07. Megadude Jump (Part 2) (9:03)
Start08. Megadude Jump (Part 3) (4:50)
Start09. Megadude Walking with Weapon (5:28)
Start10. Megadude Weapon Charge (10:40)
Start11. Megadude Weapon Shoot (6:26)
Start12. Megadude Photoshop Export (4:14)
Start01. Importing Assets (6:27)
Start02. Looking Left and Right (4:19)
Start03. Animator and Transition (19:54)
Start04. Jumping Animation (10:09)
Start05. Charging Animation (8:20)
Start06. Walking Enemy Animations (15:28)
Start07. Shooter Enemy Animation (13:45)
Start08. Flamethrower Enemy Animation (8:46)
Start09. Turret Enemy (15:37)
Start01. New Button (6:11)
Start02. Moving Platform (4:47)
Start03. Teleporter (3:51)
Start04. Gate (4:24)
Start05. Blocks (3:29)
Start06. Background Elements (9:26)
Start07. Layer Copies (11:23)
Start08. Object Repositioning (18:49)
Start09. Removing False Jumps (5:04)
Start10. Sound FX (11:21)
Start01a.Whack-a-mole-Intro (2:10)
Start01c.Whack-a-Mole-Art-Part-1 (68:55)
Start01c.Whack-a-Mole-Art-Part-2 (21:27)
Start01d.Whack-a-mole-Part-4-AA (19:16)
Start02a.Hurdles-Intro (2:03)
Start02c.Hurdles-Art (66:23)
Start02d.Hurdles-Part-4-AA (7:52)
Start03a.Cups-and-Balls-Intro (2:05)
Start03d.Cups-and-Balls-Part-4-AA (7:56)
Start03c.Cups-and-Balls-Art (33:52)
Start04b.Bowling-Part-1 (26:17)
Start04b.Bowling-Part-2 (18:27)
Start04b.Bowling-Part-3 (17:56)
Start05a.Ninja-Sword-Intro (1:56)
Start05c.Ninja-Sword-Art-Part-1 (33:26)
Start05c.Ninja-Sword-Art-Part-2 (43:59)
Start05d.Ninja-Sword-Part-4-AA (21:45)
Start06a.Basketball-Intro (1:59)
Start06c.Basketball-Art (72:25)
Start06d.Basketball-Part-4-AA (13:27)
Start07a.Christmas-Gifts-Intro (2:08)
Start07c.Christmas-Gifts-Art-Part-1 (35:19)
Start07c.Christmas-Gifts-Art-Part-2 (37:51)
Start07d.Christmas-Gifts-Part-4-AA (17:26)
Start08a.Spaceship-Intro (1:31)
Start08c.Space-Ship-Art-Part-1 (57:07)
Start08c.Space-Ship-Art-Part-2 (31:38)
Start08d.Spaceship-Part-3-AA (12:09)
Start09a.Baseball-Intro (2:03)
Start09c.Baseball-Art-Part-1 (37:57)
Start09c.Baseball-Art-Part-2 (60:25)
Start09d.Baseball-Part-4-AA (13:09)
Start10a.Genius-Intro (2:04)
Start10b.Genius-Part-1 (28:29)
Start10b.Genius-Part-2 (27:22)
Start10b.Genius-Part-3 (15:31)
Start10c.Genius-Art (17:57)
Start10d.Genius-Part-4-AA (14:50)
Start11a.Zombie-Survival-Intro (2:12)
Start11c.Zombie-Survival-Art-Part-1 (27:08)
Start11c.Zombie-Survival-Art-Part-2 (43:54)
Start11d.Zombie-Survival-Part-4-AA (9:44)
Start12a.Space-Shooter-Intro (1:52)
Start12c.Space-Shooter-Art (22:00)
Start12d.Space-Shooter-Part-4-AA (13:35)
Start13a.Clay-Shooting-Intro (2:07)
Start13d.Clay-Shooting-Part-5-AA (9:13)
Start13c.Clay-Shooting-Art (33:27)
Start14a.Fruit-Ninja-Intro (1:51)
Start14b.Fruit-Ninja-Part-1 (24:45)
Start14b.Fruit-Ninja-Part-2 (25:16)
Start14b.Fruit-Ninja-Part-3 (13:04)
Start14c.Fruit-Ninja-Art (40:15)
Start14d.Fruit-Ninja-Part-4-AA (13:48)
Start15a.Flappy-Bird-Intro (1:55)
Start15c.Flappy-Bird-Art (37:07)
Start15d.Flappy-Bird-Part-4-AA (9:51)
Start16a.Pong-Intro (2:09)
Start16c.Pong-Art (38:06)
Start16d.Pong-Part-4 (11:32)
Start17a.Ghost-Intro (2:19)
Start17c.Ghost-Game-Art (48:39)
Start17d.Ghost-Part-4-AA (9:48)
Start18a.Shootout-Intro (1:55)
Start18c.Soccer-Art-Part-1 (19:15)
Start18c.Soccer-Art-Part-2 (35:37)
Start18d.Shootout-Part-4-AA (10:48)
Start19a-Motorcycle-Intro (2:42)
Start19c.Motorcycles-Art-Part-1 (84:56)
Start19c.Motorcycles-Art-Part-2 (49:53)
Start19d-Motorcycle-Part-4-AA (14:51)
Start20a.Turret-Intro (2:01)
Start20c.Turret-Game-Art-Part-1 (59:34)
Start20c.Turret-Game-Art-Part-2 (36:21)
Start20d.Turret-Part-5-AA (31:10)
Start21a.Western-Shooter-Intro (2:04)
Start21c.Western-Shooter-Art-Part-1 (18:50)
Start21c.Western-Shooter-Art-Part-2 (17:12)
Start21d.Western-Shooter-Part-4-AA (12:23)
Start22a.Cannon-Ball-Intro (2:14)
Start22c.Cannonball-Art (32:18)
Start22d.Cannon-Ball-Part-4-AA (11:45)
Start23a.Paraglider-Intro (2:19)
Start23c.Paraglider-Art (65:13)
Start23d.Paraglider-Part-4-AA (13:10)
Start24a.Train-Intro (2:03)
Start24b.Train-Part-1 (27:07)
Start24b.Train-Part-2 (26:34)
Start24b.Train-Part-3 (17:59)
Start24c.Train-Runner-Art (72:32)
Start24d.Train-Part-4-AA (18:47)
Start25a.FPS-Shooter-Intro (1:54)
Start25b.FPS-Shooter-Part-1 (24:19)
Start25b.FPS-Shooter-Part-2 (27:21)
Start25b.FPS-Shooter-Part-3 (16:03)
Start25c.FPS-Shooter-Art (61:27)
Start25d.FPS-Shooter-Part-4-AA (8:22)
Start26a. Tic Tac Toe - Part 1 (25:19)
Start26b. Tic Tac Toe - Part 2 (19:08)
Start26c. Tic Tac Toe - Part 3 (26:55)
Start26a.Escape-the-Room-Intro (2:07)
Start26b.Escape-the-Room-Part-1 (49:23)
Start26b.Escape-the-Room-Part-2 (17:18)
Start26c.Escape-Room-Art (38:34)
Start26d.Escape-the-Room-Part-3-AA (13:38)
Start27a.Forest-Searcher-Intro (2:08)
Start27c.Forest-Searcher-Art-Part-1 (31:34)
Start27c.Forest-Searcher-Art-Part-2 (32:13)
Start27c.Forest-Searcher-Art-Part-3 (38:26)
Start27d.Forest-Searcher-Part-4-AA (12:33)
Start28a. What-a-mole - Part 1 (27:40)
Start28b. What-a-mole - Part 2 (22:22)
Start28c. What-a-mole - Part 3 (19:16)
Start29a.Hide-and-Seek-Intro (2:07)
Start29b.Hide-and-Seek-Part-1 (28:10)
Start29b.Hide-and-Seek-Part-2 (24:18)
Start29c.Hide-and-Seek-Art (9:54)
Start29d.Hide-and-Seek-Part-4-AA (8:38)
Start30a.Tic-tac-toe-Intro (1) (2:19)
Start30c.Tic-tac-toe-Art (38:23)
Start30d.Tic-tac-toe-Part-4-AA (11:19)
Start01. Introduction to C# (5:02)
Start02. Creating a New Project (5:33)
Start03. Primitive Types (26:19)
Start03. Source Code
Start04. Type Conversion (13:03)
Start04. Source Code
Start05. Operators (23:40)
Start05. Source Code
Start06.01 Classes (17:30)
Start06.02 Inheritance (15:11)
Start06.03 Structures (9:15)
Start06.04 Arrays and Strings (12:21)
Start06.05 Enumerator (10:37)
Start06. Source Code
Start07.01 Statements (9:29)
Start07.02 Loops (11:11)
Start07.03 Random & Control Flow (12:33)
Start07. Source Code
Start08.01 Types of Arrays (19:40)
Start08.02 Lists (15:37)
Start08. Source Code