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Light Optimization in Unity Games
Mammoth Interactive Courses Introduction
1.About Mammoth Interactive (1:12)
2.How To Learn Online Effectively (13:46)
3.Source Files
Unity C# Game Development for Absolute Beginners (Prerequisite)
2.Build A New Unity Project (2:24)
3.Install Unity And A Code Editor (4:06)
4.Use The Hierarchy And Scene (5:38)
5.Use The Inspector (4:02)
6.Use The Assets And Console (1:58)
7.How To Debug (5:54)
8.Build A Cube (3:52)
9.Build Materials And Color (4:15)
10.Build A Semi-Transparent Object (3:33)
11.Build A Plane (5:02)
12.Build Game Lighting (6:22)
13.Build Particle Systems And Effects (8:08)
14.Apply Physics To Your World (4:58)
15.Build A C- Script (5:27)
16.Build Variables To Store Data (7:50)
17.Build Methods To Perform Tasks (9:28)
18.Build A Custom Method (8:26)
19.Build If Statements To Make Conditions (6:36)
20.Build Else Statements To Handle Conditions (5:13)
21.Build Loops To Repeat Actions (11:07)
22.Spawn Objects At Random Locations (5:19)
23.Build A While Loop (6:26)
24.Source files
Light Optimization in Unity Games (with shadows, lightmapping, unwrap for uvs, lightmap compressions)
1.Unity Optimization Introduction (1:20)
2.Lighting And Illumination Optimization (14:36)
3.Graphic Settings And Realtime Light (14:45)
4.Light Mapping And Freezing (16:28)
5.Compress Lightmaps (12:19)
6.Light Optimization Source Files
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